Section 41-23-20 Short title; legislative findings and purpose. This article shall be cited as the “Alabama Enterprise Zone Act.” The Legislature of Alabama hereby finds and declares that the health, safety, and welfare of the people of this state are dependent upon the continued encouragement, development, growth, and expansion of the private sector within the […]
Section 41-23-21 Definitions. For purposes of this article, the following terms shall have the meaning hereinafter ascribed to them, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise: (1) COUNCIL. The Enterprise Zone Advisory Council. (2) DEPARTMENT. The Alabama Department of Economic and Community Affairs. (3) GOVERNING AUTHORITY. The governing body of a county or municipality. (4) ENTERPRISE […]
Section 41-23-22 Enterprise zones generally. (a) The department shall establish criteria for qualifications of enterprise zones. These criteria shall not be in conflict with any provisions of federal enterprise zone legislation that may be enacted for enterprise zones which apply for federal designation. The department shall give consideration to the following: (1) Unemployment. (2) Poverty […]
Section 41-23-23 Applications; selection of zones; Enterprise Zone Advisory Council. Selection of zones and the general guidelines for implementation of the provisions of this article shall be as follows: (1) The Alabama Department of Economic and Community Affairs shall see that all applications are processed as follows: a. The state or any governmental entity in […]
Section 41-23-24 Tax incentives; adoption of rules to implement tax credits and incentives; maximum tax credit per new permanent employee; application of tax credits; tax credits are in addition to exemptions and credits under Chapter 18 of Title 40; no credits for taxes to other states. (a) Any provisions of Title 40, Chapter 18, notwithstanding, […]
Section 41-23-25 Nontax incentives. Nontax incentives shall include: (1) REGULATION EXEMPTIONS. The local governments may exempt regulations to the extent they propose in the application for designation; however, no such exemption can adversely affect the health and welfare of the citizens of the state. Such exemption shall be by resolution or ordinance. (2) EMPLOYEE TRAINING […]
Section 41-23-26 Additional requirements for business, etc., to receive benefits. Additional requirements for a business, partnership, corporation or individual to receive benefits shall include: (1) The business must expand its labor force or make new capital investments or prevent a loss of employment to an existing business. (2) A business may not have closed or […]
Section 41-23-27 Annual report of department. The department shall report annually to the Legislature and the Governor, and provide a thorough evaluation of the implementation of the zone law, including: numbers of business activity; actual new income for the state after taxes and benefits pursuant to this article; number of new employees; cost to state […]
Section 41-23-28 Required agreement by appropriate governing authority. The department shall designate qualified enterprise zones only after receiving notice from the appropriate governing authority that it additionally agrees to: (1) Devise and implement a program to improve police protection within the zone. (2) Give priority to the use in the zone of any UDAG, CDBG, […]
Section 41-23-29 Powers and duties of department. The department shall administer the provisions of this article and shall have the following powers and duties in addition to those mentioned elsewhere in this article and in other laws of this state: (1) To monitor the implementation and operation of this article and conduct a continuing evaluation […]
Section 41-23-30 Contracts with eligible businesses to provide for tax exemptions; preference to Alabama manufacturers; endorsement resolution; certification as to employees; wage subsidies. (a) The department, after consultation with the council, and with the approval of the Governor, may enter into contracts with eligible businesses to provide: (1) For the exemption from sales and use […]
Section 41-23-31 Rules and regulations; cooperation of agencies. The Directors of the Alabama Department of Economic and Community Affairs, Alabama Department of Commerce, Department of Education, the Department of Labor and the Commissioner of the Department of Revenue shall be authorized to formulate reasonable rules and regulations necessary to implement the provisions of this article […]
Section 41-23-32 Federal tax exemptions and enterprise zone legislation. The provisions of this article shall be complementary to and consistent with federal tax exemptions and be superseded when necessary by the passage of federal enterprise zone legislation. (Acts 1987, No. 87-573, p. 897, §13.)