US Lawyer Database

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Section 41-29-1 – Creation; Composition; Support.

Section 41-29-1 Creation; composition; support. (a)(1) There is hereby created the Department of Commerce within the office of the Governor and directly under his or her supervision and control. The Department of Commerce shall be headed by the Secretary of Commerce, who shall be a person possessed with extensive responsible experience in development of economic, […]

Section 41-29-2 – Powers, Duties, and Functions of Department of Commerce.

Section 41-29-2 Powers, duties, and functions of Department of Commerce. (a) The Department of Commerce shall be the principal staff agency of the executive branch to plan with the other departments of state government and with other governmental units for the comprehensive development of the state’s human, economic and physical resources and their relevance for […]

Section 41-29-3 – Project Notification; Applications.

Section 41-29-3 Project notification; applications. (a)(1) The Secretary of Commerce shall be notified in writing about the general parameters of a project if an entity is considering locating or expanding a facility at a site within this state and intends to claim any of the incentives provided by the State of Alabama that are described […]

Section 41-29-4 – Advisory Committees or Councils.

Section 41-29-4 Advisory committees or councils. The Governor, in carrying out his or her responsibilities under this chapter, may establish advisory committees or councils and appoint the members thereof, who shall serve at his or her pleasure. Members shall serve without compensation. The Governor shall designate the chairmen and such other officers as he or […]

Section 41-29-5 – Reorganization of Department.

Section 41-29-5 Reorganization of department. On the date determined pursuant to Section 41-29-6, the Department of Commerce shall be reorganized into two divisions that shall have the functions prescribed as follows: (1) The Business Development Division shall be responsible for all of the functions of the Department of Commerce as it existed before date determined […]

Section 41-29-6 – Effective and Operative Dates.

Section 41-29-6 Effective and operative dates. This chapter shall become effective immediately following its passage and approval by the Governor, or its otherwise becoming law and shall become operative in whole or in part on a date or dates determined by the Secretary of Commerce but in any event no later than October 1, 2016. […]