Section 41-29-340 – Short Title.
Section 41-29-340 Short title. This division may be known and shall be cited as the Eliminating Legal Barriers to Apprenticeships (ELBA) Act. (Act 2019-527, §1.)
Section 41-29-340 Short title. This division may be known and shall be cited as the Eliminating Legal Barriers to Apprenticeships (ELBA) Act. (Act 2019-527, §1.)
Section 41-29-341 Definitions. As used in this division, the following terms shall have the following meanings: (1) APPRENTICE. A worker at least 14 years of age, except where a higher minimum age standard is otherwise fixed by law, who is employed to learn an apprenticeable occupation. (2) APPRENTICEABLE OCCUPATION. As defined in 29 C.F.R. §29.4. […]
Section 41-29-342 Eliminating legal barrers to apprenticeship. (a) A licensing authority shall grant an occupational license to any applicant who meets all of the following requirements: (1) Has successfully completed the 8th grade. (2) Has successfully completed an apprenticeship subject to a valid apprenticeship agreement and under the supervision of an eligible employer. (3) Has […]