Section 45-8A-23.230 Rights of officers and employees preserved. Nothing in this part contained, except as specifically provided, shall affect or impair the rights or privileges of officers or employees of the city or of any office, department, board, or agency existing at the time when this part shall take effect, or any provision of law […]
Section 45-8A-23.231 Continuance of present officers. All persons holding administrative office at the time the council-manager form of government is adopted shall continue in office and in the performance of their duties until provision shall have been made in accordance therewith for the performance of such duties or the discontinuance of such office. The powers […]
Section 45-8A-23.232 Status of officers and employees holding positions when council-manager form of government is adopted. Any person holding an office or position in the civil service of the city under any civil service or merit system applicable to the city when the council-manager form of government shall be adopted shall continue to hold such […]
Section 45-8A-23.233 Transfer of records and property. All records, property, and equipment whatsoever of any office, department, or agency or part thereof, all the powers and duties of which are assigned to any other office, department, or agency by this part, shall be transferred and delivered to the office, department, or agency to which such […]
Section 45-8A-23.234 Continuity of officers, department, board, or agencies. Any office, department, board, or agency provided for in this part with a name or with powers and duties the same or substantially the same as those of an office, department, board, or agency heretofore existing shall continue to exercise its powers and duties. Any provision […]
Section 45-8A-23.235 Continuance of contracts and public improvements. All contracts entered into by the city, or for its benefit, prior to the adoption by such city of the council-manager form of government, shall continue in full force and effect. Public improvements for which legislative steps have been taken under laws existing at the time of […]
Section 45-8A-23.236 Pending actions and proceedings. No action or proceeding, civil or criminal, pending at the time of the adoption of the council-manager form of government, brought by or against the city or any office, department, board, or agency or officer thereof, shall be affected or abated by the adoption of the council-manager form of […]
Section 45-8A-23.237 Pension and relief funds. All laws and parts of laws relating to pension, retirement, and relief funds for any employees of the city, contained in the general or local laws of the state or in Title 11 as the same may apply and be in effect with respect to any city at the […]
Section 45-8A-23.238 Independent authorities, boards, agencies, etc. All laws relating to the school board, library board, hospital board, airport board, housing authority, plumbers or electricians board, planning board, zoning board, park or recreation board, municipally owned public utility and any municipally owned service enterprise, including inter alia electric, gas and water boards, agencies, etc., and […]
Section 45-8A-23.239 When provisions take effect. For the purpose of nominating and electing members of the council, the provisions of this part shall become applicable to any city adopting the council-manager form of government upon the filing of the certificate of adoption by the judge of probate with the mayor of the city as provided […]