Section 8-12-40 Purchase, sale, etc., of container upon which name appears. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm, or corporation, other than the owner thereof, to purchase, offer to purchase, sell, offer to sell, or transport for sale any bottle, can, crate, or other container upon which or in which, appears in permanent form, […]
Section 8-12-41 Presumption of ownership. Whenever the name, trade name, or trademark of any person, firm, or corporation appears in permanent form upon, or in, any milk bottle, can, crate, or container of any kind in which milk or milk products are sold and delivered, such fact shall create a rebuttable presumption that such person, […]
Section 8-12-42 Possession by secondhand or junk dealer prima facie evidence of violation. The use, possession, or control by any person, firm, or corporation engaged in the business of buying, selling, renting, receiving, storing, transporting, or dealing in secondhand merchandise or junk of any milk bottle, can, crate, carton, or container which has marked thereon […]
Section 8-12-43 Enforcement of article. (a) The Commissioner of Agriculture and Industries shall enforce the provisions of this article. (b) The provisions of Article 2, Chapter 2 of Title 2 shall be applicable to this article.
Section 8-12-44 Penalty for violation of article. Any person violating any provision of this article, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction, shall be fined not more than $500, and may also be sentenced to hard labor for not more than six months. (Ag. Code 1927, §611; Code 1940, T. 2, §12.)