It shall be unlawful to buy, sell, barter, exchange, traffic or trade in, bargain for, solicit for purchase, or possess the hides, furs or pelts of wild animals, or otherwise deal in fur as a business, without having first obtained a permit, subject to the exemptions in § 29.1-401. Code 1950, § 29-93; 1987, c. […]
A. A permit shall not be required of any hunter or trapper to possess or dispose of the hides, furs or pelts of wild animals legally shot or caught by him nor of any person lawfully engaging in the business of fur farming to possess or to dispose of the hides, furs or pelts of […]
A. The fee for a permit to buy, sell, barter, exchange, traffic or trade in, bargain for, solicit for purchase, or possess the hides, furs or pelts of wild animals shall be as follows: 1. State resident, $50. 2. State nonresident, $125. B. The permit shall be issued in the name of the firm or […]
All fur permits shall be for the fiscal year, July 1 through June 30, and shall be obtained from the Department by written application. Code 1950, § 29-98; 1987, c. 488.
The qualifications for securing resident county and state hunting and fishing licenses shall apply to obtaining permits under this article. Code 1950, § 29-99; 1987, c. 488.
The Director may require each permit holder to submit, within ten days after the end of each fiscal year, a detailed activities report in a form as the Director may prescribe. Code 1950, § 29-100; 1980, c. 494; 1987, c. 488.
The violation of any of the terms of this article shall constitute a Class 3 misdemeanor. Furthermore, the trial court shall revoke the permit of the fur dealer, and he shall not have a similar permit for that season or for the succeeding season. He may, however, be eligible for a permit thereafter. Code 1950, […]
Any furs found in the possession of any person or firm and acquired in violation of this article shall be forfeited to the Commonwealth. The proceedings for forfeiture shall conform as far as practicable to the provisions of Chapter 22.1 (§ 19.2-386.1 et seq.) of Title 19.2, and the net proceeds of the forfeiture shall […]