The Board shall have a total membership of 17 members that shall consist of 14 nonlegislative citizen members and three ex officio members as follows: the Secretary of Transportation, the Commissioner of Highways, and the Director of the Department of Rail and Public Transportation. The nonlegislative citizen members shall be appointed by the Governor as […]
Of the members appointed to the Board, one member shall be a resident of the territory now included in the Bristol highway construction district, one in the Salem highway construction district, one in the Lynchburg highway construction district, one in the Staunton highway construction district, one in the Culpeper highway construction district, one in the […]
The Board shall meet at least once every three months and at such other times, on the call of the chairman or of a majority of the members, as may be deemed necessary to transact such business as may properly be brought before it. Six members shall constitute a quorum of the Board for all […]
All salaries and expenses of the Board shall be paid from the state treasury out of the annual appropriation for the Board. Warrants for such salaries and expenses shall be issued by the Comptroller on certificates of the Commissioner of Highways to the parties entitled thereto and shall be paid by the State Treasurer out […]
The main office of the Board, the Department of Transportation, and the Department of Rail and Public Transportation shall be located in the City of Richmond. In the discretion of the Commissioner of Highways, other offices of the Department of Transportation may be established in the various highway construction districts of the Commonwealth as may […]
Each member of the Board shall, before entering upon the discharge of his duties, take an oath that he will faithfully and honestly execute the duties of the office during his term and each shall be bonded in accordance with § 2.2-1840, conditioned upon the faithful discharge of his duties. Code 1950, § 33-9; 1970, […]
No member of the Board or the Commissioner of Highways shall be required to leave his office for the purpose of testifying in any suit, action, or other civil proceeding involving any of his official duties, but the deposition of any member of the Board or the Commissioner of Highways may be taken at the […]
The chairman of the Board shall, with the aid and advice of the Auditor of Public Accounts, cause to be maintained a complete and modern system of bookkeeping for the Department, and the books to be kept by the Department shall show in detail all receipts and disbursements of the Department, the source of such […]