The primary state highway system shall be constructed and maintained by the Commonwealth under the direction and supervision of the Board and the Commissioner of Highways. Code 1950, § 33-23; 1970, c. 322, § 33.1-25; 2014, c. 805.
All highways in state parks that provide connections between highways, in either the primary or secondary state highway system, outside such parks and recreation centers within such parks shall continue to be portions of the primary state highway system. Code 1950, § 33-24; 1970, c. 322, § 33.1-31; 1986, c. 498; 1989, c. 656; 2014, […]
The Commissioner of Highways may maintain all highways, bridges, and toll facilities within the boundaries of any state park established by and under the control of the Department of Conservation and Recreation. For the purpose of maintaining the highways in any such park, the Commissioner of Highways may expend funds under his control and available […]
The Commissioner of Highways may, when requested by the governing body of a state institution, assume the maintenance of any highway within the grounds of such state institution that has been established and constructed by such institution to standards acceptable to the Commissioner of Highways. Any such highways accepted for maintenance by the Commissioner of […]
A. The Board may transfer such highways, bridges, and streets as it deems proper from the secondary state highway system to the primary state highway system. Upon such transfer, the highways, bridges, and streets so transferred shall become for all purposes parts of the primary state highway system. The Board may add such highways, bridges, […]
A. The Board may transfer such highways, bridges, and streets as it deems proper from the primary state highway system to the secondary state highway system or, if requested by the local governing body, to the local system of roads operated by a locality receiving payments pursuant to § 33.2-319 or 33.2-366. Upon such transfer, […]
The Commissioner of Highways shall prepare and keep on file in his office for public inspection a complete map showing the routes of the primary state highway system. Code 1950, § 33-30; 1970, c. 322, § 33.1-36; 2014, c. 805.
The highways embraced within the primary state highway system shall be established, constructed, and maintained exclusively by the Commonwealth under the direction and supervision of the Commissioner of Highways, with such state funds as may be appropriated and made available for such purposes, together with such appropriations as may be made by any county, district, […]
A. The Commissioner of Highways may acquire by gift, purchase, exchange, condemnation, or otherwise such lands or interest therein necessary or proper for the purpose and may construct and improve thereon such bypasses or extensions and connections of the primary state highway system through or around cities and towns as the Board deems necessary for […]
A. The Commissioner of Highways, subject to the approval of the Board, shall make payments for maintenance, construction, or reconstruction of highways to all cities and towns eligible for funds under this section. Such payments, however, shall only be made if those highways functionally classified as principal and minor arterial roads are maintained to a […]
The Board may, by and with the consent of the Governor and the governing body of any city or town having a population of 3,500 or less, incorporate in the primary state highway system such streets and highways or portions thereof in such city or town as may in its judgment be best for the […]
The Commissioner of Highways is empowered to enter into agreements with the governing bodies of counties that have withdrawn or elect to withdraw from the secondary state highway system pursuant to § 11 of Chapter 415 of the Acts of Assembly of 1932, upon such terms as may be agreeable between the parties, in order […]
Any county may enter into an agreement with the Department to permit the county to landscape and maintain any or all medians and other nontraveled portions of primary highways located in the county. 1980, c. 147, § 33.1-46.4; 2014, c. 805.
Notwithstanding any provision of law contrary to this section, all markings and traffic lights installed or erected by towns on the primary highways maintained by the Department shall first be approved by the Commissioner of Highways. Code 1950, § 33-36; 1970, c. 322, § 33.1-47; 2014, c. 805.