It is hereby declared to be the policy of the Commonwealth, as a part of its provision of essential service to communities and for public education, to promote the establishment and development of public library service throughout its various political subdivisions. Code 1950, § 42-23; 1970, c. 606; 2020, c. 54.
In order to provide state aid in the development of public library service throughout the Commonwealth, the Library Board, in this chapter sometimes called the Board, shall grant from such appropriations as are made for this purpose funds to provide library service. Code 1950, § 42-24; 1952, c. 494; 1970, c. 606.
In order to encourage the maintenance and development of proper standards, including personnel standards, and the combination of libraries or library systems into larger and more economical units of service, grants of state aid from funds available shall be made by the Board to any free public library or library system which qualifies under the […]
Every qualifying municipal library serving an area containing less than 5,000 population shall receive its proper share, but not less than $400. 1970, c. 606.
The total amount of grants under §§ 42.1-48 and 42.1-49 shall not exceed the amount expended, exclusive of state and federal aid, by the political subdivision or subdivisions operating the library. If the state appropriations provided for grants under §§ 42.1-48 and 42.1-49 are not sufficient to meet approved applications, the Library Board shall prorate […]
The obligations of the various library systems and libraries receiving state aid, shall consist of establishing and maintaining an organization as approved by the Board, provided that personnel standards of such library systems and libraries shall conform to the provisions of § 42.1-15.1. All books and bookmobiles purchased with state aid funds shall, if the […]
The Board shall establish standards under which library systems and libraries shall be eligible for state aid and may require reports on the operation of all libraries receiving state aid. As long as funds are available, grants shall be made to the various libraries, library systems or contracting libraries applying for state aid in the […]
Repealed by Acts 1999, c. 24.
All proposals for books, materials and equipment to be purchased with state aid funds and all proposals for aid in the payment of salaries of certified librarians shall be submitted for approval to The Library of Virginia by the libraries, library systems or contracting libraries applying for state aid, in form prescribed by the Board, […]
The service of books in library systems and libraries receiving state aid shall be free and shall be made available to all persons living in the county, region, or municipality. Code 1950, § 42-31; 1970, c. 606.
The term “books” as used in this chapter may be interpreted in the discretion of the Board to mean books, magazines, newspapers, appropriate audiovisual materials and other printed matter. Code 1950, § 42-32; 1952, c. 494; 1970, c. 606.
The Library Board is empowered, subject to approval of the Governor, to accept grants of federal funds for libraries and to allocate such funds to libraries under any plan approved by the Board and the appropriate federal authorities. Such allocations shall not be subject to the restrictions of this chapter. Code 1950, § 42-32.1; 1964, […]
The Library Board and the cities and counties of the Commonwealth are authorized to enter into agreements providing for the supervision of the expenditure of federal funds allocated to such cities and counties and matching funds provided by such political subdivisions. Such agreement shall set forth the standards and conditions with respect to the expenditure […]