There shall be a State Law Library at Richmond maintained as at present, which shall be managed by the Supreme Court. The Court shall appoint the librarian and other employees to hold office at the pleasure of the Court. Code 1950, § 42-13; 1970, c. 606; 1977, c. 397; 2022, c. 355.
The State Law Library shall consist of the books, periodicals, audiovisual materials, and other media now in the law library at Richmond, with such additions as may be made thereto. Code 1950, § 42-14; 1970, c. 606; 2022, c. 355.
The Supreme Court shall, from time to time, make additions to the State Law Library by purchases, and may lease or purchase computer terminals for the purpose of retrieving available legal reference data, with funds at its disposal for these purposes, and may cause books to be transferred from one law library to another. All […]
The Supreme Court shall have the power to make and enforce such rules and orders for the regulation of the State Law Library, and the use thereof, as it determines is appropriate. Code 1950, § 42-16; 1970, c. 606; 1977, c. 397; 1989, c. 704; 2022, c. 355.
The Governor and other state officers at the seat of government, the Reporter of the Supreme Court, members of the General Assembly and an individual designated by a member of the General Assembly to perform legal research, judges of courts, and practicing attorneys in good standing, and such other persons as the Supreme Court shall […]
A. If the members of the bar practicing in any county or city of the Commonwealth shall procure by voluntary contribution a law library with a value of at least $500 for the use of the courts held in such county or city, and of the bar practicing therein, it shall be the duty of […]
The observance of the rules so prescribed and approved may be enforced by a circuit court sitting within the area served by the particular local or regional library by such summary process and judgment as shall be provided by such rules. Code 1950, § 42-19; 1962, c. 515; 1970, c. 606; 1977, c. 397.
Repealed by Acts 1977, c. 397.
Any county, city, or town may, through its governing body, assess as part of the costs incident to each civil action filed in the courts located within its boundaries a sum not in excess of $4. The imposition of such assessment shall be by ordinance of the governing body, which ordinance may provide for different […]
Any two or more adjoining counties or cities assessing costs as provided in § 42.1-70 may jointly establish a regional law library, and each such regional library shall be open to the public. 1977, c. 145.