§ 44-123. Repealed
Repealed by Acts 2015, c. 221, cl. 2.
Repealed by Acts 2015, c. 221, cl. 2.
As used in this chapter, unless otherwise provided, the meaning of “armory” shall include training or logistical support facilities, such as, but not limited to, maintenance facilities, training areas, facilities at the State Military Reservation, Virginia Beach, Virginia, and the Fort Pickett Maneuver Training Center. 1976, c. 266; 2000, c. 296.
A. All those lands and improvements thereon constituting the special maritime and territorial jurisdiction of the United States formerly known as Fort Pickett, Virginia, shall specifically include but not be limited to those lands licensed by the Department of the Army to the Virginia Army National Guard on October 1, 1997, approximating 41,000 acres known […]
There is hereby established within the Department of Military Affairs the Fort Pickett Police Department. The Fort Pickett Police may exercise within the limits of the Fort Pickett Reservation and, when assigned to any other property owned or controlled by the Commonwealth or any agency, department, institution or commission thereof, all the powers, duties and […]
Repealed by Acts 1976, c. 266.
The Adjutant General may acquire for and in the name of the Commonwealth, by gift, grant, appropriation, purchase such real or personal property as is necessary for the maintenance of, the training and administration of, the logistical support of, and the safeguarding of property in the care, custody or control of the Department of Military […]
Repealed by Acts 1976, c. 266.
The governing body of any county, city or incorporated town, wherein a unit or units of the Virginia National Guard have been, or may hereafter be established, may either severally, or acting jointly with each other, or with the Adjutant General, construct or acquire by purchase, contract, lease, gift, donation or condemnation, grounds and/or buildings […]
Any municipality or county owning lands on which no permanent building has been actually constructed whether such lands constitute part of a park or site for some public structure, is authorized to convey the same to the Commonwealth for use as a site for an armory for the Virginia National Guard; provided, that such conveyance […]
All property actually used for armory and military training purposes, as hereinabove defined, shall be exempt from all taxation, impost or assessment. 1932, p. 760; Michie Code 1942, § 2673(114); R. P. 1948, § 44-131.
The power of condemnation herein granted to the Adjutant General and to counties, cities and incorporated towns, shall be exercised in the manner prescribed in the Code of Virginia. 1932, p. 760; Michie Code 1942, § 2673(115); R. P. 1948, § 44-132.
Repealed by Acts 2015, c. 221, cl. 2.
The Adjutant General shall be responsible for the general management and care of armories and drill and training areas, and shall have the power to adopt and prescribe such rules and regulations for the management and government and for the guidance of the organizations occupying them as may be necessary and desirable; but such rules […]
Repealed by Acts 1981, c. 219.
Repealed by Acts 1976, c. 266.
Each armory erected or provided by the Commonwealth under the provisions of this chapter, excepting those armories or logistical support facilities provided for by license agreement with the United States, shall have an armory control board appointed by the Adjutant General to consist of one or more officers of the organization or organizations quartered therein, […]
When the Adjutant General shall receive information from the Governor of the disbandment of an organization of the National Guard occupying or using an armory provided by the Commonwealth under the direction of the Adjutant General, he shall determine whether such armory shall be sold or not, and if it is determined that such armory […]
Every city and county in the Commonwealth having an active National Guard or Virginia Defense Force organization or organizations is authorized to render such financial assistance as it may deem wise and patriotic to such organization or organizations, either by donating land or buildings, or donating the use of land or buildings, or by contributing […]
In order that there shall be provided maintenance funds for armories and other buildings erected, and areas provided for drill and training and other military purposes under the provisions of this chapter, the Adjutant General is authorized to draw a voucher for such funds, to be paid from any appropriation provided. 1932, p. 761; Michie […]
In the event that any real property is donated, deeded, or otherwise conveyed for a nominal sum to the Commonwealth, Department of Military Affairs, Virginia National Guard, Virginia Army or Air National Guard, Virginia Defense Force, or a subordinate element of any such entity under the provisions of this chapter for the purpose of supporting […]