The Fostering Futures program is established to provide services and support to individuals 18 years of age or older but less than 21 years of age who were in foster care upon turning 18 years of age. Such services and support shall be designed to assist the program participant in transitioning to adulthood, becoming self-sufficient, […]
For purposes of this article: “Case plan” means the plan developed by the local department for a program participant in accordance with 42 U.S.C. § 675(1). “Child” means an individual who is (i) less than 18 years of age or (ii) for purposes of the Fostering Futures program set forth in this article, less than […]
The Fostering Futures program is available, on a voluntary basis, to an individual between 18 and 21 years of age who: 1. Was (i) in the custody of a local department immediately prior to reaching 18 years of age, remained in foster care upon turning 18 years of age, and entered foster care pursuant to […]
Continuing services and support provided under the Fostering Futures program shall include the following, where necessary: 1. Medical care under the state plan for medical assistance; 2. Housing, placement, and support in the form of continued foster care maintenance payments in an amount not less than the rate set immediately prior to the program participant’s […]
A. In order to participate in the Fostering Futures program, the eligible program participant shall enter into a written voluntary continuing services and support agreement with the local department. Such agreement shall include, at a minimum, the following: 1. A requirement that the program participant maintain eligibility to participate in the Fostering Futures program in […]
A. A program participant may terminate the voluntary continuing services and support agreement at any time. Upon such termination, the local department shall provide the program participant with a written notice informing the program participant of the potential negative effects resulting from termination, the option to reenter the Fostering Futures program at any time before […]
A local department that enters into a voluntary continuing services and support agreement with a program participant shall file a petition for review of the agreement and the program participant’s case plan in accordance with § 16.1-283.3. If no subsequent hearings are held by the court to review the agreement and case plan after the […]