Upon a writ of fieri facias, the officer shall return whether the money therein mentioned has been or cannot be made. If there is only part thereof which is or cannot be made, he shall return the amount of such part. With every execution under which money is recovered, he shall return a statement of […]
A writ of fieri facias returned by the officer to the clerk’s office with a notation that the money cannot be made may be destroyed after two years from the date of the return. Code 1950, § 8-417; 1962, c. 110; 1977, c. 617; 1988, c. 420.
When it appears by the return on an execution that property taken to satisfy it remains unsold, a writ of venditioni exponas may issue, whereupon the like proceedings shall be had as might have been had on the first execution; except, that if it issue upon a return of no sale for want of bidders, […]
If an officer taking property under execution die before the sale thereof, and there be no deputies of such officer acting in the case, upon a suggestion of the fact a writ of venditioni exponas may be directed to the sheriff or other officer of the county or city wherein the property was taken. Whereupon […]