The clerks of the courts of record in this state shall keep in their respective offices suitable books for indexing the records of their said offices, one to be known as the direct index and one as the inverse index. Source: L. 1889: p. 107, § 1. R.S. 08: § 1392. C.L. § 5610. CSA: […]
In said indexes, the clerks shall properly enter the title of each cause or matter instituted in said courts and the case number references to the various orders, rulings, judgments, papers, and other proceedings of the court in such cause or matter. Any case number reference may be to a file jacket, page in a […]
When the record of any judgment, or decree, or other proceeding of any judicial court of this state, or any part of the record of any judicial proceeding has been lost or destroyed, any party or person interested therein, on application by complaint in writing under oath to such court and on showing to the […]
When the loss or destruction of any record or part thereof has happened, and such defects cannot be supplied as provided in section 13-1-103, any party or person interested therein may make a written application to the court to which such record belonged, verified by affidavit, showing the loss or destruction thereof, and that certified […]
In case of the destruction by fire or otherwise of the records, or a part thereof, of any court having probate jurisdiction, the court may proceed, upon its own motion or upon the application in writing of any party in interest, to restore the records, papers, and proceedings of the court relating to the estate […]
In all causes which have been removed to the supreme court of this state or to the court of appeals, a duly certified copy of the record of such cause remaining in the supreme court or the court of appeals may be filed in the court from which said cause was removed, on motion of […]
The person making the application for the restoration of records shall pay all the costs thereof. Source: L. 1897: p. 151, § 1. R.S. 08: § 1400. C.L. § 5621. CSA: C. 46, § 9. CRS 53: § 37-1-8. C.R.S. 1963: § 37-1-8.
When in the opinion of the judge of any district or county court it is unnecessary or inadvisable to hold or convene any term of court fixed by statute, he may by an order in writing signed by him and filed with the clerk of such court adjourn the same sine die, or to a […]
In all actions in any court of record of this state wherein any defendant is not found within the jurisdiction of the court and constructive service alone is had, and which is brought for the enforcement of an express, implied, or resulting trust, or for the removal of cloud from title to real estate, or […]
If, at any time pending an appeal in any action, suit, or other proceeding, it appears to the appellate court that the appeal bond or undertaking is defective or insufficient or that any surety thereon has died, or has removed or is about to remove from this state, or has become or is likely to […]
Each of the following courts shall have a seal and shall be a court of record: The supreme court; The district courts; The county courts; The juvenile court in the city and county of Denver; The probate court in the city and county of Denver; Any court established by law and expressly denominated a court […]
The clerk of each court of record shall keep the seal thereof. Source: L. 1887: p. 212, § 413. Code 08: § 448. Code 21: § 450. Code 35: § 450. CRS 53: § 37-1-13. C.R.S. 1963: § 37-1-13.
A seal of a court or public officer, when required on any writ, process, or proceeding or to authenticate a copy of any record or document, may be impressed with wax, wafer, or any other substance and then attached to the writ, process, or proceeding or to the copy of the record or document, or […]
Every court has power: To preserve and enforce order in its immediate presence; To enforce order in the proceedings before it or before a person empowered to conduct a judicial investigation under its authority; To compel obedience to its lawful judgments, orders, and process and to the lawful orders of its judge out of court […]
The courts have power to issue all writs necessary and proper to the complete exercise of the power conferred on them by the constitution and laws of this state. The district courts have authority in ne exeat proceedings according to the usual practice in such cases in courts of chancery. Source: L. 1887: p. 217, […]
Every court of record shall sit at the county seat of the county in which it is held, except as may be otherwise provided by law. Source: L. 1887: p. 214, § 418. Code 08: § 453. Code 21: § 455. Code 35: § 455. CRS 53: § 37-1-18. C.R.S. 1963: § 37-1-18.
The courts of justice may be held and judicial business may be transacted on any day except as provided in section 13-1-118. Source: L. 1887: p. 213, § 415. Code 08: § 450. Code 21: § 452. Code 35: § 452. CRS 53: § 37-1-19. C.R.S. 1963: § 37-1-19.
No court shall be opened nor shall any judicial business be transacted on Sunday or any legal holiday except for the following purposes: To give, upon their request, instruction to a jury then deliberating on their verdict; To receive a verdict or discharge a jury; For the exercise of the powers of a judge in […]
The judgment record and register of actions shall be open at all times during office hours for the inspection of the public without charge, and it is the duty of the clerk to arrange the several records kept by him in such manner as to facilitate their inspection. In addition to paper records, such information […]
Statewide electronic read-only access to the name index and register of actions of public case types must be made available to the following agencies or attorneys appointed by the court: County departments, as defined in section 19-1-103, and attorneys who represent the county departments as county attorneys, as defined in section 19-1-103, as it relates […]