The general assembly hereby finds that: Providing access to state court facilities and ensuring the safety of employees and other users of state court facilities are fundamental components of ensuring access to justice for the people of the state of Colorado; Recent years have seen numerous occasions in which courthouse repair, renovation, improvement, and expansion […]
As used in this part 3, unless the context otherwise requires: “Commission” means the underfunded courthouse facility cash fund commission created in section 13-1-303. “Court security cash fund commission” means the court security cash fund commission created in section 13-1-203. “Fund” means the underfunded courthouse facility cash fund created in section 13-1-304. “Imminent closure of […]
There is hereby created in the judicial department the underfunded courthouse facility cash fund commission to evaluate grant applications received pursuant to this part 3 and make recommendations to the state court administrator for awarding grants from the underfunded courthouse facility cash fund based on the statutory criteria set forth in section 13-1-305. The commission […]
There is hereby created in the state treasury the underfunded courthouse facility cash fund that consists of any moneys appropriated by the general assembly to the fund. The moneys in the fund are subject to annual appropriation by the general assembly for the implementation of this part 3. The state court administrator may accept gifts, […]
To be eligible for moneys from the fund, a county must apply to the commission through the state court administrator, using the application form provided by the commission, in accordance with the timelines and guidelines adopted by the commission. For the commission to consider a grant application, the application must first be reviewed and approved […]
The underfunded courthouse facility cash fund commission repeals on September 1, 2024. Prior to repeal, the underfunded courthouse facility cash fund commission is subject to review as provided in section 24-34-104, C.R.S. Source: L. 2014: Entire part added, (HB 14-1096), ch. 186, p. 696, § 1, effective May 14. L. 2016: Entire section amended, (HB […]