The general assembly hereby finds that the issuance and enforcement of protection orders are of paramount importance in the state of Colorado because protection orders promote safety, reduce violence and other types of abuse, and prevent serious harm and death. In order to improve the public’s access to protection orders and to ensure careful judicial […]
For purposes of this article 14, unless the context otherwise requires: “Abuse of the elderly or of an at-risk adult” means mistreatment of a person who is sixty years of age or older or who is an at-risk adult as defined in section 26-3.1-101 (1.5), including but not limited to repeated acts that: Constitute verbal […]
Any county or district court shall have the authority to enter an emergency protection order pursuant to the provisions of this subsection (1). An emergency protection order issued pursuant to this subsection (1) may include: Restraining a party from contacting, harassing, injuring, intimidating, threatening, molesting, touching, stalking, sexually assaulting or abusing any other party, a […]
Any municipal court of record, if authorized by the municipal governing body; any county court; and any district, probate, or juvenile court shall have original concurrent jurisdiction to issue a temporary or permanent civil protection order against an adult or against a juvenile who is ten years of age or older for any of the […]
A municipal court of record that is authorized by its municipal governing body to issue protection or restraining orders and any county court, in connection with issuing a civil protection order, has original concurrent jurisdiction with the district court to include any provisions in the order that the municipal or county court deems necessary for […]
Order requirements. If the court subjects a respondent to a civil protection order and the court determines on the record after reviewing the petition for the protection order that the protection order includes an act of domestic violence, as defined in section 18-6-800.3 (1), and the act of domestic violence involved the threat of use, […]
On the return date of the citation, or on the day to which the hearing has been continued, the judge or magistrate shall examine the record and the evidence. If upon such examination the judge or magistrate finds by a preponderance of the evidence that the respondent has committed acts constituting grounds for issuance of […]
A person failing to comply with any order of the court issued pursuant to this article is in contempt of court or may be prosecuted for violation of a civil protection order pursuant to section 18-6-803.5, C.R.S. The duties of peace officers enforcing a civil protection order shall be in accordance with section 18-6-803.5, C.R.S., […]
Any order granted pursuant to section 13-14-105 (1)(c) or (1)(e) must terminate whenever a subsequent order regarding the same subject matter is granted pursuant to the “Uniform Dissolution of Marriage Act”, article 10 of title 14, C.R.S., the “Uniform Child-custody Jurisdiction and Enforcement Act”, article 13 of title 14, C.R.S., or the “Colorado Children’s Code”, […]
The court may assess a filing fee against a petitioner seeking relief under this article; except that the court may not assess a filing fee against a petitioner if the court determines the petitioner is seeking the protection order as a victim of domestic abuse, domestic violence as defined in section 18-6-800.3 (1), C.R.S., stalking, […]
Definitions. As used in this section, “foreign protection order” means any protection or restraining order, injunction, or other order issued for the purpose of preventing violent or threatening acts or harassment against, or contact or communication with or physical proximity to, another person, including temporary or final orders, other than child support or custody orders, […]