The remedies provided by law on or before April 27, 1937, for the enforcement of actions based upon alleged alienation of affections, criminal conversation, seduction, and breach of contract to marry have been subjected to grave abuses, caused extreme annoyance, embarrassment, humiliation, and pecuniary damage to many persons wholly innocent and free of any wrongdoing […]
All civil causes of action for breach of promise to marry, alienation of affections, criminal conversation, and seduction are hereby abolished. Source: L. 37: p. 403, § 1. CSA: C. 24A, § 1. CRS 53: § 41-3-1. C.R.S. 1963: § 41-3-1.
No act done within this state shall operate to give rise, either within or without this state, to any of the rights of action abolished by this part 2. No contract to marry made or entered into in this state shall operate to give rise, either within or without this state, to any cause or […]
All contracts and instruments of every kind, name, nature, or description which may be executed within this state in payment, satisfaction, settlement, or compromise of any claim or cause of action abolished or barred by this part 2, whether such claim or cause of action arose within or without this state, are declared to be […]
It is unlawful for any person, either as litigant or attorney, to file, cause to be filed, threaten to file, or threaten to cause to be filed in any court of this state any pleading or paper setting forth or seeking to recover upon any cause of action abolished or barred by this part 2, […]
It is unlawful for any person, either as litigant or attorney, to file, cause to be filed, threaten to file, or threaten to cause to be filed in any court of this state any pleading or paper naming or describing in such manner as to identify any person as corespondent or participant in misconduct of […]
No attorney appearing in any of the proceedings mentioned in section 13-20-206 on behalf of a party thereto asserting misconduct by the adverse party shall ask of any witness any question intended or calculated to disclose the name or identity of any third person charged as corespondent or participant in any such misconduct, nor shall […]
[ Editor’s note: This version of this section is effective until March 1, 2022. ] Any person who violates any provision of sections 13-20-204 to 13-20-206 is guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction thereof, shall be punished by a fine of not more than one thousand dollars, or by imprisonment in the county jail […]