§ 13-21-801. Short Title
This part 8 shall be known and may be cited as the “Drug Dealer Liability Act”. Source: L. 99: Entire part added, p. 1261, § 1, effective June 2.
This part 8 shall be known and may be cited as the “Drug Dealer Liability Act”. Source: L. 99: Entire part added, p. 1261, § 1, effective June 2.
The general assembly hereby declares that the purpose of this part 8 is: To provide a civil remedy for damages to persons in this state injured as a result of the use of an illegal drug; To shift, to the extent possible, the cost of damage caused by the market for illegal drugs in the […]
As used in this part 8, unless the context otherwise requires: “Illegal drug” means a controlled substance as defined in section 18-18-102 (5), C.R.S. “Individual illegal drug user” means the individual whose use of a specified illegal drug is the basis of an action brought under this part 8. “Participate in the marketing of illegal […]
Any one or more of the following persons may bring an action for damages caused by an individual’s use of an illegal drug within this state: A parent, legal guardian, child, spouse, or sibling of the individual illegal drug user; An employer of an individual illegal drug user; A medical facility, insurer, governmental entity, employer, […]
Any cause of action established by this part 8 shall be in addition to and not in lieu of any other cause of action available to a plaintiff. A person whose possession, use, or distribution of illegal drugs is authorized by law is not liable for damages under this part 8. A law enforcement officer […]
An action under this part 8 is governed by the principles of comparative negligence. The burden of proving the comparative negligence of the plaintiff shall be on the defendant by clear and convincing evidence. Source: L. 99: Entire part added, p. 1264, § 1, effective June 2.
Notwithstanding the provisions of section 13-50.5-102 (3), a person subject to liability under this part 8 has a right of contribution against any other person subject to liability under this part 8. Contribution may be enforced either in the original action or by a separate action brought for that purpose. A plaintiff may seek recovery […]
A person against whom recovery is sought is estopped from denying participation in the marketing of illegal drugs if the person has a criminal conviction based on the same circumstances that are the basis for the claim for damages. Said conviction must be for other than mere possession of the specified illegal drug: That is […]
Except as provided in subsection (3) of this section, a plaintiff under this part 8 may request an ex parte, prejudgment order of attachment under rule 102 of the Colorado rules of civil procedure against all of the assets of a defendant sufficient to satisfy a potential award. If attachment is issued, a defendant is […]
Except as otherwise provided by this section, a claim under this part 8 shall not be brought more than four years after the cause of action accrues. A cause of action accrues under this part 8 when a person who may recover has reason to know of the harm from illegal drug use that is […]
On motion by a governmental agency involved in a drug investigation or prosecution, an action brought under this part 8 shall be stayed until the completion of the criminal investigation or prosecution that gave rise to the motion for a stay of the action. Source: L. 99: Entire part added, p. 1265, § 1, effective […]
No cause of action shall accrue based upon any act by a defendant that occurred prior to June 2, 1999. Source: L. 99: Entire part added, p. 1265, § 1, effective June 2.
If any provision of this part 8 or the application thereof to any person or circumstance is held invalid, such invalidity shall not affect other provisions or applications of this part 8 that can be given effect without the invalid provision or application, and to this end the provisions of this part 8 are declared […]