§ 13-22-501. Short Title
This part 5 shall be known and may be cited as the “Colorado International Dispute Resolution Act”. Source: L. 93: Entire part added, p. 360, § 5, effective April 12.
This part 5 shall be known and may be cited as the “Colorado International Dispute Resolution Act”. Source: L. 93: Entire part added, p. 360, § 5, effective April 12.
The general assembly finds and declares that it is the policy of the state of Colorado to encourage parties to international commercial or noncommercial agreements or transactions to resolve disputes arising from such agreements or transactions, when appropriate, through arbitration, mediation, or conciliation. Therefore, it is the intent of the general assembly that arbitration and […]
As used in this part 5, unless the context otherwise requires: “Arbitration” means the referral of a dispute to one or more neutral third parties for a decision based on evidence and testimony provided by the disputants. “Conciliation” means all forms of dispute resolution including, but not limited to, arbitration and mediation. “International dispute” means […]
The parties to an international dispute may agree to submit such dispute to arbitration, mediation, or conciliation for resolution of such dispute by means other than by litigation. Such dispute resolution pursuant to this part 5 shall be subject to any treaties or agreements which are in force and effect between the United States and […]
The provisions of part 2 of this article and sections 13-22-307 and 13-22-308 shall apply to any international dispute submitted to alternative dispute resolution pursuant to this part 5. Source: L. 93: Entire part added, p. 361, § 5, effective April 12.
The parties to any international dispute submitted for alternative dispute resolution pursuant to this part 5 may agree upon the language or languages to be used in the dispute resolution proceedings. Source: L. 93: Entire part added, p. 361, § 5, effective April 12.
None of the arbitrators, mediators, conciliators, witnesses, parties, or representatives of the parties involved in the arbitration, mediation, or conciliation of an international dispute pursuant to this part 5 shall be subject to service of process on any civil matter while such persons are present in this state for the purpose of participating in the […]