An official written report or record, or duly certified copy thereof, that a person is missing, missing in action, interned in a neutral country, or beleaguered, besieged, or captured by an enemy, or is dead, or is alive made by any officer or employee of the United States authorized by the act referred to in […]
For purposes of sections 13-25-121 and 13-25-122, any finding, report, or record, or duly certified copy thereof, purporting to have been signed by an officer or employee of the United States as described in sections 13-25-121 and 13-25-122 shall prima facie be deemed to have been signed and issued by such officer or employee pursuant […]
In an action for libel or slander, it shall not be necessary to state in the complaint any extrinsic facts for the purpose of showing the application to the plaintiff of the defamatory matter out of which the cause of action arose. It shall be sufficient to state generally that the same was published or […]
In an action for libel or slander, the defendant, in his answer, may allege both the truth of the matter charged as defamatory and any mitigating circumstances to reduce the amount of damages; and, whether he proves the justification or not, he may give in evidence the mitigating circumstances. Source: L. 1887: p. 114, § […]
No action for libel or slander may be brought or maintained unless the party charged with such defamation has published, either orally or in writing, the defamatory statement to a person other than the person making the allegation of libel or slander. Self-publication, either orally or in writing, of the defamatory statement to a third […]
In any action, suit, or proceeding in which the parentage of a child is at issue, including but not limited to actions or proceedings pursuant to section 14-10-122 (6) or 19-4-107.3, C.R.S., upon motion of the court or any of the interested parties, the court shall order the alleged mother, the child or children, and […]
The general assembly hereby finds and declares that protection of the environment is enhanced by the public’s voluntary compliance with environmental laws and that the public will benefit from incentives to identify and remedy environmental compliance issues. It is further declared that limited expansion of the protection against disclosure will encourage such voluntary compliance and […]
Any provision of the law to the contrary notwithstanding and except as provided in subsection (2) of this section, the burden of proof in any civil action shall be by a preponderance of the evidence. The provisions of this subsection (1) shall not apply to the burden of proof required in determining the validity of […]
The supreme court of the state of Colorado shall have the power to prescribe general rules of evidence for the courts of record in the state of Colorado. Such rules of evidence shall be construed to be rules of practice and procedure and shall not be construed in such manner that such rules would fix, […]
An out-of-court statement made by a person under thirteen years of age, not otherwise admissible by a statute or court rule that provides an exception to the hearsay objection, is admissible in any criminal, delinquency, or civil proceeding in which the person is alleged to have been a victim if the conditions of subsection (5) […]
An out-of-court statement made by a person with an intellectual and developmental disability, as defined in section 25.5-10-202 (26)(a), C.R.S., not otherwise admissible by a statute or court rule that provides an exception to the objection of hearsay is admissible in any criminal or delinquency proceeding in which the person is alleged to have been […]
Photographs, video tapes, or films of property over which a person is alleged to have exerted unauthorized control or otherwise to have obtained unlawfully are competent evidence if the photographs, video tapes, or films are admissible into evidence under the rules of law governing the admissibility of photographs, video tapes, or films into evidence. Any […]
In any civil action for damages by an alleged victim which alleges damages resulting from a sexual assault on a client by any person who enters into a professional-client relationship that permits professional physical access to the client’s person or the opportunity to affect or influence the thought processes or emotions of such client, including, […]
In any criminal action, if the court finds, upon application of the prosecution, that there is substantial risk of physical harm or intimidation of a witness, the court may enter an order that a deposition be taken of that witness’ testimony and that the deposition be recorded and preserved on video tape. For the purposes […]
Except as provided in subsection (3) of this section, the contents of any communication made directly or indirectly through a telecommunications device for the deaf (commonly known as TDD) or teletype (commonly known as TTY) and any writing or recording resulting from the communication are inadmissible as evidence of the existence or contents of the […]
Pursuant to the provisions of article 71.3 of title 24, C.R.S., in any legal proceeding, nothing in the application of the rules of evidence shall apply so as to deny the admissibility of an electronic record or electronic signature into evidence on the sole ground that it is an electronic record or electronic signature or […]
In any civil action brought by an alleged victim of an unanticipated outcome of medical care, or in any arbitration proceeding related to such civil action, any and all statements, affirmations, gestures, or conduct expressing apology, fault, sympathy, commiseration, condolence, compassion, or a general sense of benevolence which are made by a health-care provider or […]
A court shall not admit in a criminal proceeding information relating to substance use not otherwise required to be reported pursuant to section 19-3-304, obtained as part of a screening or test performed to determine pregnancy or to provide prenatal or postpartum care, up to one year postpartum, or if a pregnant or parenting woman […]
Labels or packages listing, indicating, or describing the contents or ingredients of any commercially packaged item are admissible in evidence to prove that the item contains the contents or ingredients listed on the label or package. A label or package listing that identifies the contents or ingredients of a container or package constitutes prima facie […]
Evidence of specific instances of the victim’s prior or subsequent sexual conduct, opinion evidence of the victim’s sexual conduct, and reputation evidence of the victim’s sexual conduct is presumed irrelevant and is not admissible in a civil proceeding involving alleged sexual misconduct except: Evidence of the victim’s prior or subsequent sexual conduct with the defendant; […]