Trial and grand jurors serving in any court, as defined in the “Colorado Uniform Jury Selection and Service Act”, article 71 of this title, shall receive compensation as provided for in that article. Jury fees for attending any court of record other than a municipal court shall be paid by the state pursuant to section […]
(Deleted by amendment, L. 2010, (HB 10-1291), ch. 325, p. 1505, § 1, effective July 1, 2010.) (Deleted by amendment, L. 2010, (HB 10-1291), ch. 325, p. 1505, § 1, effective July 1, 2010.) (Deleted by amendment, L. 2010, (HB 10-1291), ch. 325, p. 1505, § 1, effective July 1, 2010.) Witnesses in courts of […]
All jurors entitled to compensation for mileage in accordance with the “Colorado Uniform Jury Selection and Service Act”, article 71 of this title, and all witnesses shall receive, in counties of every class, the same base mileage allowance amount as provided for state officers and employees under section 24-9-104, C.R.S., for each mile actually and […]
Any witness fee collected by a clerk of any district court or county court shall be paid to the person entitled to the witness fee, when claimed. Any witness fee collected and not paid to a witness claimant in the same month shall be paid by the clerk of the court to the state treasurer […]
If any person entitled to a witness fee in any district court or county court makes an application to the clerk of such court for payment of the fee, the clerk, if the witness fee claimed was previously collected by him, shall pay the witness claimant the witness fee due. If the fee was not […]
Any such clerk who fails to comply with the provisions of sections 13-33-104 and 13-33-105 shall be liable to the state in the penal sum of five hundred dollars for each offense, to be collected as other like fines. Source: R.S. p. 327, § 29. G.L. § 1158. G.S. § 1415. R.S. 08: § 1406. […]