If any person is committed or detained for any criminal or supposed criminal matter, it is lawful for him to apply to the supreme or district courts for a writ of habeas corpus, which application shall be in writing and signed by the prisoner or some person on his behalf setting forth the facts concerning […]
When any person not being committed or detained for any criminal or supposed criminal matter is confined or restrained of his liberty under any color or pretense whatever, he may proceed by appropriate action as prescribed by the Colorado rules of civil procedure in the nature of habeas corpus which petition shall be in writing, […]
Upon the return of the writ of habeas corpus, a day shall be set for the hearing of the cause of imprisonment or detainer not exceeding five days thereafter, unless the prisoner requests a longer time. The prisoner may deny any of the material facts set forth in the return or may allege any fact […]
When a habeas corpus is issued to bring the body of any prisoner committed as aforesaid, unless the court issuing the same deems it wholly unnecessary and useless, the court shall issue a subpoena to the sheriff of the county where said person is confined, commanding him to summon the witnesses therein named to appear […]
On the hearing of any habeas corpus, it is the duty of the court who hears the same to examine the witnesses aforesaid, and such other witnesses as the prisoner may request, touching any offense named in the warrant of commitment whether or not said offense is technically set out in the commitment. Source: R.S. […]
When any person is admitted to bail on habeas corpus, he shall enter into recognizance with one or more securities in such sum as the court directs, having regard to the circumstances of the prisoner and the nature of the offense, conditioned upon his appearance at the district court held in and for the county […]
When any prisoner brought up on a habeas corpus is remanded to prison, it is the duty of the court remanding him to make out and deliver to the sheriff, or other person to whose custody he is remanded, an order in writing stating the cause of remanding him. If such prisoner obtains a second […]
It is unlawful for any court, on a second writ of habeas corpus obtained by the prisoner to discharge the prisoner if he is clearly and specifically charged in the warrant of commitment with a criminal offense; but the court on the return of such second writ has power only to admit such prisoner to […]
No person who has been discharged by order of a court on a habeas corpus shall be again imprisoned, restrained, or kept in custody for the same cause, unless he is afterwards indicted for the same offense or unless by the legal order or process of the court wherein he is bound by recognizance to […]
To prevent any person from avoiding or delaying his trial, it is unlawful to remove any prisoner on habeas corpus under this article out of the county in which he is confined within fifteen days next preceding the date certain set for trial except if it is to convey him into the county where the […]
Any person committed to any prison or in the custody of any officer, sheriff, jailer, keeper, or other person, or his underofficer or deputy, for any criminal or supposed criminal matter shall not be removed from the prison or custody into any other prison or custody, unless it is by habeas corpus or some other […]
Any judge of a court empowered by this article to issue writs of habeas corpus who corruptly refuses to issue such writ when legally applied for in a case where such writ may lawfully issue or who, for the purpose of oppression, unreasonably delays the issuing of such writ shall for every such offense forfeit […]
If any officer, sheriff, jailer, keeper, or other person to whom any such writ is directed neglects or refuses to make the returns or to bring the body of the prisoner according to the command of said writ within the time required by this article, such officer, sheriff, jailer, keeper, or other person is guilty […]
Anyone having a person in his or her custody or under his or her restraint, power, or control for whose relief a writ of habeas corpus is issued who, with the intent to avoid the effect of such writ, transfers such person to the custody, or places him or her under the control, of another […]
Any person, knowing that another has been discharged by order of a competent tribunal on a habeas corpus, who, contrary to the provisions of this article, arrests or detains him again, for the same cause which was shown on the return of such writ, shall forfeit five hundred dollars for the first offense and one […]
All pecuniary forfeitures under this article shall inure to the use of the party for whose benefit the writ of habeas corpus issued and shall be sued for and recovered, with costs, in the name of the state by every person aggrieved. Source: R.S. p. 357, § 16. G.L. § 1338. G.S. § 1624. R.S. […]
The recovery of the said penalties shall not be a bar to a civil suit for damages. Source: R.S. p. 358, § 18. G.L. § 1340. G.S. § 1626. R.S. 08: § 2936. C.L. § 6504. CSA: C. 77, § 19. CRS 53: § 65-1-18. C.R.S. 1963: § 65-1-18.
The supreme and district courts within this state have power to issue writs of habeas corpus to bring the body of any person confined in any jail before them to testify or to be surrendered in discharge of bail. When a writ of habeas corpus is issued to bring into court any person to testify, […]