It is the intent of the general assembly to provide: A comprehensive evaluation system of judicial performance; Information to the people of Colorado regarding the performance of judges and justices throughout the state; and Transparency and accountability for judges and justices throughout the state of Colorado. Therefore, the general assembly finds and declares that it […]
As used in this article 5.5, unless the context otherwise requires: “Attorney” means a person admitted to practice law before the courts of this state. “Commission” means both the state and district commissions on judicial performance, established in section 13-5.5-104, unless the usage otherwise specifies the state commission or a district commission. “Commissioner” means an […]
The office on judicial performance evaluation is established in the judicial department. The state commission on judicial performance, established pursuant to section 13-5.5-104, shall oversee the office. The state commission shall appoint an executive director of the office. The executive director serves at the pleasure of the state commission. The executive director’s compensation is the […]
The state commission on judicial performance is established, and a district commission on judicial performance is established in each judicial district of the state. In appointing the membership of each commission, the appointing entities must, to the extent practicable, include persons from throughout the state or judicial district and persons with disabilities and take into […]
In addition to any other powers conferred or duties assigned upon the separate commissions by this article 5.5, all commissions have the following powers and duties: To review any available case management data and statistics provided by the state court administrator, the state commission, and district commissions related to individual justices and judges. A district […]
The state commission shall adopt rules, guidelines, and procedures as necessary to implement and effectuate the provisions of this article 5.5, including rules, guidelines, and procedures governing the district commissions. The state commission shall consider proposed rules, guidelines, or procedures from the judicial department; except that nothing in this section requires the state commission to […]
The state commission and each district commission shall evaluate each justice and judge in Colorado utilizing the powers and duties conferred upon each commission in section 13-5.5-105. The evaluations must only include the following performance evaluation criteria: Integrity, including but not limited to whether the justice or judge: Avoids impropriety or the appearance of impropriety; […]
Judicial performance evaluations for justices or judges whose terms are to expire and who must stand for retention election are conducted as follows: The state commission shall conduct a judicial performance evaluation of each such justice of the supreme court and judge of the court of appeals; and The district commission shall conduct a judicial […]
Within the first two years of a justice’s or judge’s appointment to the bench, the appropriate commission shall conduct an initial evaluation of each justice and each judge. The appropriate commission shall complete and communicate its judicial performance interim evaluations as follows: The state commission shall communicate its findings, including any recommendations for improvement plans, […]
If the state commission or a district commission recommends, pursuant to section 13-5.5-109 (1), that a justice or judge receive an individual judicial improvement plan, the commission shall communicate such recommendation to the chief justice or appropriate chief judge. The chief justice or chief judge shall then develop an improvement plan for such judge and […]
A commissioner shall disclose to his or her commission any professional or personal relationship with a justice or judge that may affect an unbiased evaluation of the justice or judge, including involvement with any litigation involving the justice or judge and the commissioner, the commissioner’s family, or the commissioner’s financial interests. A commission may require, […]
Except as provided in subsection (3) of this section, all self-evaluations, personal information protected under section 24-72-204 (3)(a)(II), additional oral or written information, content of any judicial improvement plans, and any matter discussed in executive session is confidential except as otherwise specifically provided by rule. All surveys must allow for the participant’s name to remain […]
The state commission shall gather and maintain statewide data and post a statistical report of the statewide data on its website no later than thirty days prior to each retention election. The report must specify, at a minimum: The total number of justices and judges who were eligible to stand for retention and the number […]
The state commission is authorized to accept any grants of federal or private funds made available for any purpose consistent with the provisions of this article 5.5. Any money received pursuant to this section must be transmitted to the state treasurer, who shall credit the same to the state commission on judicial performance cash fund, […]
Final actions of the state commission are subject to judicial review as provided for in this section. For purposes of this section, “final action” means a rule, guideline, or procedure adopted by the state commission pursuant to this article 5.5. A “final action” does not include a final recommendation regarding a justice or a judge […]