The twentieth judicial district shall be composed of the county of Boulder. The number of judges for the twentieth judicial district shall be six. Subject to available appropriations, effective July 1, 2003, the number of judges for the twentieth judicial district shall be seven. Subject to available appropriations, effective July 1, 2004, the number of […]
The twenty-first judicial district shall be composed of the county of Mesa. The number of judges for the twenty-first judicial district shall be four. Subject to available appropriations, effective July 1, 2007, the number of judges for the twenty-first judicial district shall be five. Subject to available appropriations, effective July 1, 2019, the number of […]
The twenty-second judicial district shall be composed of the counties of Dolores and Montezuma. The number of judges for the twenty-second judicial district shall be one. Subject to available appropriations, effective July 1, 2007, the number of judges for the twenty-second judicial district shall be two. Source: L. 64: p. 402, § 23. C.R.S. 1963: […]
[ Editor’s note: This section is effective January 7, 2025.] The twenty-third judicial district shall be composed of the counties of Douglas, Elbert, and Lincoln. Subject to available appropriations, the number of judges for the twenty-third judicial district is eight. Source: L. 2020: Entire section added, (HB 20-1026), ch. 40, p. 136, § 4, effective […]
Notwithstanding section 24-1-136 (11)(a)(I), commencing with the presentation in 2021 and each presentation thereafter to and including the presentation in 2025, at the joint hearings conducted pursuant to the “State Measurement for Accountable, Responsive, and Transparent (SMART) Government Act”, part 2 of article 7 of title 2, the judicial department shall report on its progress […]
District court personnel shall be appointed pursuant to the provisions of section 13-3-105. Source: L. 64: p. 403, § 27. C.R.S. 1963: § 37-12-27. L. 69: p. 249, § 5. L. 79: Entire section R&RE, p. 598, § 11, effective July 1.
The clerks of district courts shall keep the financial records prescribed by the state court administrator under the provisions of section 13-3-106. Source: L. 67: p. 454, § 8. C.R.S. 1963: § 37-12-30. L. 73: p. 1402, § 29.
It is the duty of every bailiff to preserve order in the court to which he may be appointed; to attend upon the jury; to open and close the court; and to perform such other duties as may be required of him by the judge of the court. Source: L. 67: p. 454, § 8. […]
The shorthand reporter, on the direction of the court, shall take down in shorthand all the testimony, rulings of the court, exceptions taken, oral instructions given, and other proceedings had during the trial of any cause, and in such causes as the court may designate. Source: L. 67: p. 454, § 8. C.R.S. 1963: § […]
The shorthand reporter of a court of record shall be compensated for preparation of the original and any copies of the typewritten transcript of his shorthand notes at such rates as from time to time may be established and promulgated by the supreme court of the state of Colorado. Where, in a court of record, […]
In any district court composed of more than one judge, each of the judges shall sit separately for the trial of causes and the transaction of business and shall have and exercise all the powers and functions, as well in vacation of court as in term time, which he might have and exercise if he […]
Each court held by the several judges, while sitting separately, shall be known as the district court in and for the county where such court is held and shall have the same power to vacate or modify its own judgments, decrees, or orders rendered or made while so held as if the said court were […]
In any district court composed of more than one judge, the judges may sit en banc at such times as they may determine, for the purpose of making rules of court, the appointment of a clerk and other employees, subject to the provisions of section 13-3-105, and other ministerial duties, subject to the administrative powers […]
Jurors may be summoned and empaneled for each of the judges sitting separately as though each were the sole court. Source: L. 67: p. 457, § 8. C.R.S. 1963: § 37-12-41. L. 84: Entire section amended, p. 476, § 1, effective February 6.
Every motion, issue, or other matter arising in any cause pending or to be brought in any district court of this state, and which is submitted to any such court for judgment or decision thereof, shall be determined by the court within ninety days after the adjournment of court. This section shall not be so […]
If any judge of any district court, to whom any motion, issue, or other matter, arising in any cause, is submitted for judgment or decision, fails or neglects to decide or give judgment upon the same within the time limited by section 13-5-135, such judge shall not receive from the state treasury any salary for […]
If a statute provides for review of the acts of any court, board, commission, or officer by certiorari or other writ and if no time within which review may be sought is provided by statute, a petition to review such acts shall be filed in the district court not later than thirty days from the […]
On and after July 1, 1991, and contingent upon the executive director of the department of human services notifying the state court administrator that a particular county or judicial district is ready to implement and participate in the family support registry created in section 26-13-114, C.R.S., the clerk of the court of every judicial district […]
The judicial department and the department of human services shall cooperate in the transfer of the functions relating to the collection of child support from the courts to the child support enforcement agency specified in article 13 of title 26, C.R.S. In order to implement such transfer, which shall be completed on or after July […]
The state court administrator’s office shall, by March 1 and by September 1 of each year, prepare and make available to the public at each district court, for a reasonable charge, a compilation of the sentences imposed in felony cases by each judge in each district court. Such compilation shall include: The name of each […]