When in any case a writ of attachment or a writ of execution is issued from any district or county court and a levy thereunder is made upon real estate, it is the duty of the sheriff or officer making the levy to file a certificate of such fact with the recorder of the county […]
Writs of attachment and writs of execution may issue from any district or county court of any county to the sheriff or other proper officer of such county or any other county, and, when in such cases a levy is made upon real estate in such other county, it is the duty of the sheriff […]
The lien of an attachment or execution levied on real estate shall continue for six years from the filing of the certificate thereof, as provided in section 13-56-101, unless the same is sooner released or discharged or unless the judgment in the case is satisfied. Source: L. 19: p. 295, § 3. C.L. § 5934. […]
It is the duty of the recorder of the proper county to file and record the certificates mentioned in this part 1 in a book to be kept for that purpose, for which he shall be entitled to the same fees as for recording other papers, to be paid by the plaintiff in such execution […]