As used in this part 5, unless the context otherwise requires: “Health-care institution” means any licensed or certified hospital, health-care facility, dispensary, or other institution for the treatment or care of the sick or injured. “Health-care professional” means any person licensed in this state or any other state to practice medicine, chiropractic, or nursing. Source: […]
No claimant, including an infant or his personal representative, parents, or next of kin, may recover for any damage or injury arising from genetic counseling and screening and prenatal care, or arising from or during the course of labor, delivery, or the period of postnatal care in a health care institution, where such damage or […]
This part 5 shall take effect July 1, 1988, and shall apply to acts or omissions occurring on or after said date. Source: L. 88: Entire article added, p. 623, § 1, effective July 1.