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Home » US Law » 2022 Colorado Code » Title 13 - Courts and Court Procedure » Article 71 - Colorado Uniform Jury Selection and Service Act

§ 13-71-101. Short Title

This article shall be known and may be cited as the “Colorado Uniform Jury Selection and Service Act”. Source: L. 89: Entire article R&RE, p. 765, § 1, effective January 1, 1990. Editor’s note: This section is similar to former § 13-71-101 as it existed prior to 1989.

§ 13-71-102. Definitions

As used in this article, unless the context otherwise requires: “Clerk” and “clerk of the court” include any deputy clerk or the jury commissioner. “Court” means a district or county court of this state and includes any judge of the court. (2.5) “Juror service” means the period of time during which a person is committed […]

§ 13-71-103. Number of Trial Jurors

A jury in civil cases shall consist of six persons, unless the parties agree to a smaller number, which shall be not less than three. Source: L. 89: Entire article R&RE, p. 766, § 1, effective January 1, 1990. Editor’s note: This section is similar to former § 13-70-102 as it existed prior to 1989.

§ 13-71-104. Eligibility for Juror Service – Prohibition of Discrimination

Juror service is a duty that every qualified person has an obligation to perform when selected. All trial and grand jurors shall be selected at random from a fair cross section of the population of the area served by the court. All selected and summoned jurors shall serve, except as otherwise provided in this article […]

§ 13-71-105. Qualifications for Juror Service

Any person who is a United States citizen and resides in a county or lives in such county more than fifty percent of the time, whether or not registered to vote, shall be qualified to serve as a trial or grand juror in such county. Citizenship and residency status on the date that the jury […]

§ 13-71-106. Jury Commissioners

The chief judge of each judicial district shall appoint a jury commissioner for each county within that judicial district. Each jury commissioner shall be compensated as determined by the supreme court pursuant to section 13-3-105, but no court employee who serves as a jury commissioner shall receive any compensation in addition to a regular salary. […]

§ 13-71-107. Master Juror List

Each year, the state court administrator shall obtain from the secretary of state a voter registration list for each county in the state. The state court administrator shall also obtain licensed driver lists from the department of revenue, and, where available, the department of revenue shall match said drivers license records with the most recent […]

§ 13-71-108. Master Juror Wheel

The state court administrator shall use an electronic automated system to compile and maintain a master juror wheel. The wheel shall consist of names, addresses, dates of birth, identifying numbers, and jury histories for prospective jurors taken from the master juror list. Each year, the master juror wheel shall be emptied and refilled in compliance […]

§ 13-71-109. Random Selection From Master Juror List

If all prospective jurors on the master juror list are not needed, selection of the names or identifying numbers of prospective jurors to be placed on the master juror wheel shall be by a random selection method which ensures equal probability of selection. Source: L. 89: Entire article R&RE, p. 767, § 1, effective January […]

§ 13-71-110. Juror Selection and Summoning

A jury commissioner shall specify the number of trial jurors needed for each day’s juror pool or for selection of a grand jury within that commissioner’s county. The state court administrator shall then randomly select the specified number of jurors required from the master juror wheel and shall issue a summons to each selected prospective […]

§ 13-71-111. Contents of Juror Summons

[ Editor’s note: This version of subsection (1) is effective until March 1, 2022.] The juror summons shall state: Whether the anticipated service is that of a trial or grand juror; the beginning date of the juror service; the name, address, hour, and room number, if any, of the courthouse or office to which the […]

§ 13-71-112. Emergency Summonses

In order to meet emergency needs of the court, the state court administrator or a jury commissioner, by any means of notice including notice by telephone, may summon additional trial or grand jurors to appear for juror service at a time certain and shall inform the juror at which courthouse to appear. Source: L. 89: […]

§ 13-71-113. Modification of Juror Service

In order to meet the urgent needs of the court, a jury commissioner may modify the date, location, or other condition of trial or grand juror service and may notify the prospective juror of the modification by telephone or other appropriate means. Source: L. 89: Entire article R&RE, p. 768, § 1, effective January 1, […]

§ 13-71-114. Cancellation of Juror Service

Whenever it appears that the number of jurors scheduled to appear is in excess of the number needed, a jury commissioner may cancel the trial or grand juror service of a prospective juror and may notify the juror by telephone or other appropriate means. Any juror whose service has been canceled is not considered disqualified […]

§ 13-71-115. Juror Questionnaires

[ Editor’s note: This version of subsection (1) is effective until March 1, 2022.] On or before the first day of the term of trial or grand juror service, each juror shall be given a juror questionnaire requesting the following information about the juror: Name, sex, date of birth, age, residence, and marital status; the […]

§ 13-71-116. Trial Juror’s Right to One Postponement

A trial juror shall have the right to one postponement of the term of juror service. Such postponement shall not last more than six months, but may extend into the next calendar year. To exercise this right, the juror shall notify the jury commissioner by telephone or in writing requesting an alternate date to which […]

§ 13-71-116.5. Postponement Related to Co-Employee Jury Service

Upon notice by an employee, a jury commissioner shall postpone and reschedule the service of a summoned juror who is regularly employed by an employer with five or fewer full-time employees or their equivalent if, during the same period, another employee of the employer has been summoned for jury service. A postponement issued pursuant to […]

§ 13-71-117. Assignment of Courthouse Location

Every trial and grand juror shall be notified on the summons, or otherwise, to perform juror service at a designated court location within each county. The jury commissioner or the court may permit a juror to serve at a different courthouse location within the county upon a finding that service at the original location would […]

§ 13-71-118. Telephone Notice

The jury commissioner or the court may permit a trial or grand juror to be available for juror service or continued juror service upon telephone notice. Such a juror shall provide the court with a telephone number at which the juror may be reached, with certainty, and shall agree to resume juror service, if necessary, […]

§ 13-71-119. Deferments and Excuses – Limitations

It shall be the policy of this article that every trial juror shall be prepared to serve three trial days except as otherwise provided in this section or in section 13-71-104, 13-71-105, or 13-71-119.5. The court or the jury commissioner may defer or advance the term of service of the trial or grand juror upon […]