The general assembly finds and declares that it is the policy of this state that all qualified citizens have an obligation to serve on juries when summoned by the courts of this state unless excused in accordance with the provisions of this article. A person shall be excused temporarily from service as a juror if […]
Trial juror service shall be for a one-day term unless a juror is assigned to or impaneled on an incompleted trial when the one-day term ends, or unless the court orders otherwise. Nothing shall prevent a trial juror from serving on more than one jury or participating in more than one trial during the term; […]
Before a jury is impaneled, the court shall inform the jurors if a trial is expected to last more than three trial days and may excuse a juror from performing juror service in that trial upon a finding of hardship or inconvenience, taking into account the expected length of the trial. Any juror so excused […]
The jury commissioner may send a delinquency notice by certified or first-class mail to any trial or grand juror who has failed to appear for juror service. The purposes of delinquency notices shall be only to notify the jurors of their delinquent status and to rectify the problem by appropriate means. The jury commissioner shall […]
The court shall take whatever action may be appropriate to enforce the provisions of this article. Upon a finding that a juror will not appear to perform or complete juror service or in response to the court’s order, the court may take such action as is likely to compel the juror to appear. Source: L. […]
The state court administrator or the court may delegate to jury commissioners such authority as is appropriate for the efficient administration of this article. Source: L. 89: Entire article R&RE, p. 770, § 1, effective January 1, 1990.
The compensation and reimbursement policy of this article shall be to prevent, insofar as possible, financial hardship for any juror because of the performance of juror service. Where financial hardship exists, the court shall attempt to place the juror in the same financial position as such juror would have been were it not for the […]
All regularly employed trial or grand jurors shall be paid regular wages, but not to exceed fifty dollars per day unless by mutual agreement between the employee and employer, by their employers for the first three days of juror service or any part thereof. Regular employment shall include part-time, temporary, and casual employment if the […]
The court shall excuse an employer or a self-employed juror from the duty of compensation for trial or grand juror service upon a finding that it would cause financial hardship. When such a finding is made, a juror shall receive reasonable compensation in lieu of wages from the state for the first three days of […]
Each trial or grand juror who is unemployed may apply to the jury commissioner on the first day of juror service and shall be reimbursed by the state for reasonable travel, child care, and other necessary out-of-pocket expenses, except food, for the first three days of juror service or any part thereof. The state court […]
The state shall pay each trial or grand juror who serves more than three days for the fourth day of service and each day thereafter at the rate of fifty dollars per day. A trial or grand juror receiving payment under this section shall not be entitled to additional reimbursement for travel or other out-of-pocket […]
In all judicial districts with one or more publicly owned or operated systems of public transportation, the office of the state court administrator shall work with officials of the public transportation system or systems to create and implement a plan whereby each juror may obtain transportation at no cost to the juror to the vicinity […]
The state shall compensate and credit each juror for only those days on which the juror appeared as directed to perform juror service. Holidays and business days on which a trial has been recessed are excluded. Source: L. 89: Entire article R&RE, p. 771, § 1, effective January 1, 1990.
Notwithstanding any other provisions of this article, the court is authorized to make special awards of compensation and reimbursement to any juror based upon unusual circumstances or to effect the purposes of this article. By appropriate order, the court may make special arrangements for physically impaired and elderly jurors and may provide for the other […]
The juror service acknowledgment shall contain the following information: The name of the juror; the jury commissioner contact information and the number of days of juror service performed; a declaration of the duty of the employer to compensate an employed juror for the first three days, or any part thereof, of juror service; the right […]
Any employer who fails to compensate an employed juror under the applicable provisions of this article and who has not been excused from such duty of compensation shall be liable to the employed juror. If the employer fails to compensate a juror within thirty days after tender of the juror service acknowledgment information, the juror […]
An employer shall not deprive an employed juror of employment or any incidents or benefits thereof, nor shall an employer harass, threaten, or coerce an employee because the employee receives a juror summons, responds thereto, performs any obligation or election of juror service as a trial or grand juror, or exercises any right under any […]
The office of the state court administrator shall establish guidelines for the orientation of prospective jurors. Source: L. 89: Entire article R&RE, p. 772, § 1, effective January 1, 1990.
Absent a court order to the contrary, upon request, the jury commissioner shall make available for inspection by parties, counsel, or their agents a list of prospective jurors containing the jurors’ names. The jury commissioner shall assure that the juror resides in the proper county. Absent a court order to the contrary, upon request, the […]
The court may provide, through the list of available resources coordinated through the Colorado commission for the deaf, hard of hearing, and deafblind pursuant to section 26-21-106 (4), a qualified auxiliary services provider, as defined in section 13-90-202 (8), to assist during a trial a juror who is deaf, hard of hearing, or deafblind. In […]