The general assembly finds that the state grand jury exists because of the need to investigate and prosecute crime without regard to county or judicial district boundaries in cases involving organized crime, criminal activity in more than one judicial district, or unusual difficulties in the investigation or adjudication of a matter or cases in which […]
A state grand jury shall have the same powers and duties and shall function in the same manner as a county grand jury, except that its jurisdiction shall extend throughout the state. The law applicable to county grand juries shall apply to state grand juries except when such law is inconsistent with the provisions of […]
The state court administrator, upon receipt of an order of a chief judge of the district court granting a petition to impanel a state grand jury, shall prepare a list of prospective state grand jurors drawn from existing jury lists of the several counties. In preparing the list of prospective state grand jurors, the state […]
The jury commissioner of the court in which the petition for impaneling the state grand jury is filed shall cause said prospective jurors to be summoned for service in the manner provided in section 13-71-110. Source: L. 71: p. 881, § 1. C.R.S. 1963: § 78-8-4. L. 89: Entire section amended, p. 775, § 4, […]
Judicial supervision of the state grand jury shall be maintained by the chief judge who issued the order impaneling such grand jury, and all indictments, reports, and other formal returns of any kind made by such grand jury shall be returned to that judge. Source: L. 71: p. 881, § 1. C.R.S. 1963: § 78-8-5.
The presentation of the evidence must be made to the state grand jury by the attorney general or his or her designee. Source: L. 71: p. 881, § 1. C.R.S. 1963: § 78-8-6. L. 2016: Entire section amended, (HB 16-1094), ch. 94, p. 266, § 8, effective August 10.
Any indictment by a state grand jury shall be returned to the chief judge who is supervising the statewide grand jury without any designation of venue. Thereupon, the chief judge shall, by order, designate any county in the state as the county of venue for the purpose of trial. Once venue is designated by the […]
The costs and expenses incurred in impaneling a state grand jury and in the performance of its functions and duties shall be paid by the state out of funds appropriated to the judicial department. Source: L. 71: p. 881, § 1. C.R.S. 1963: § 78-8-8.