§ 13-9-101. Establishment
Pursuant to the provisions of section 1 of article VI of the Colorado constitution, there is hereby established the probate court of the city and county of Denver. Source: L. 64: p. 445, § 1. C.R.S. 1963: § 37-20-1.
Pursuant to the provisions of section 1 of article VI of the Colorado constitution, there is hereby established the probate court of the city and county of Denver. Source: L. 64: p. 445, § 1. C.R.S. 1963: § 37-20-1.
The probate court shall be a court of record with such powers as are inherent in constitutionally created courts and with such legal and equitable powers to effectuate its jurisdiction and carry out its orders, judgments, and decrees as are possessed by the district courts. Source: L. 64: p. 445, § 2. C.R.S. 1963: § […]
The probate court of the city and county of Denver has original and exclusive jurisdiction in said city and county of: The administration, settlement, and distribution of estates of decedents, wards, and absentees; Property vested in any person under a legal disability but paid to or held by another for such person’s use or benefit […]
There shall be one judge of the probate court of the city and county of Denver. Source: L. 64: p. 446, § 4. C.R.S. 1963: § 37-20-4.
A judge of the probate court shall be a qualified elector of the city and county of Denver at the time of his selection and shall have been licensed to practice law in the state of Colorado for five years at such time. He shall be a resident of the city and county of Denver […]
A probate judge shall receive an annual salary as provided by law. Source: L. 64: p. 446, § 6. C.R.S. 1963: § 37-20-6. Cross references: For salaries of probate judges, see § 13-30-103.
The term of office of a probate judge shall be six years. A probate judge shall be appointed for the probate court of the city and county of Denver in the same manner provided for the appointment of district judges. Source: L. 64: p. 446, § 7. C.R.S. 1963: § 37-20-7. L. 67: p. 460, […]
If the office of probate court judge becomes vacant because of death, resignation, failure to be retained in office pursuant to section 25 of article VI of the state constitution, or other cause, the vacancy shall be filled by the governor as provided in section 20 of article VI of the state constitution. Source: L. […]
The judge of the probate court shall appoint a clerk of the probate court pursuant to section 13-3-105. Repealed. The powers and duties of the clerk of the probate court shall be similar to the powers and duties of the clerk of the district court including such powers as may be delegated to the clerk […]
The judge of the probate court shall appoint pursuant to section 13-3-105 such deputy clerks, assistants, reporters, stenographers, and bailiffs as may be necessary for the transaction of the business of the court. Source: L. 64: p. 448, § 11. C.R.S. 1963: § 37-20-11. L. 69: p. 253, § 26.
Practice and procedure in the probate court shall be conducted in accordance with laws providing special proceedings for matters within its jurisdiction and with the Colorado rules of civil procedure. Source: L. 64: p. 448, § 12. C.R.S. 1963: § 37-20-12.
The probate court has the power to make rules for the conduct of its business to the extent that such rules are not in conflict with the rules of the supreme court or the laws of the state but are supplementary thereto. Probate court rules are subject to review by the supreme court. Source: L. […]
Terms of the probate court shall be fixed by rule of court, but at least one term shall be held each year. Source: L. 64: p. 448, § 14. C.R.S. 1963: § 37-20-14.
The probate court shall have a seal, bearing upon the face thereof the words: “The Probate Court of the City and County of Denver, Colorado”. Source: L. 64: p. 448, § 15. C.R.S. 1963: § 37-20-15.
The probate court has the power to issue process necessary to acquire jurisdiction, to require attendance, and to enforce all its orders, decrees, and judgments. Such process runs to any county within the state and, when authorized by law in special proceedings or, in the absence thereof, by the Colorado rules of civil procedure, may […]
Venue in the probate court shall be determined as provided in articles 10 to 20 of title 15, C.R.S., or by other applicable statutes prescribing special proceedings or, in the absence thereof, by the Colorado rules of civil procedure. Source: L. 64: p. 449, § 17. C.R.S. 1963: § 37-20-17.
When required, juries may be selected and summoned as provided for courts of record in articles 71 to 74 of this title. With the permission of the district court, the probate court may use the panel of jurors summoned for the district court of the second judicial district. Source: L. 64: p. 449, § 18. […]
The judgments of the probate court shall be enforceable in the same manner as judgments of the district court and may be made liens upon real estate or other property in the manner provided by law for judgments of the district court. Source: L. 64: p. 449, § 19. C.R.S. 1963: § 37-20-19. Cross references: […]
Appellate review of final judgments of the probate court shall be by the supreme court or by the court of appeals, as provided by law, and shall be conducted in the same manner as prescribed by the Colorado appellate rules for review by the court of appeals and the supreme court of final judgments of […]
The fees charged by the probate court and the clerk thereof shall be those provided in article 32 of this title. Source: L. 64: p. 449, § 21. C.R.S. 1963: § 37-20-21.