All persons, without exception, other than those specified in sections 13-90-102 to 13-90-108 may be witnesses. Neither parties nor other persons who have an interest in the event of an action or proceeding shall be excluded; nor those who have been convicted of crime; nor persons on account of their opinions on matters of religious […]
Subject to the law of evidence, in any civil action or proceeding in which an oral statement of a person incapable of testifying is sought to be admitted into evidence, each party and person in interest with a party shall be allowed to testify regarding the oral statement if: The statement was made under oath […]
In any action, suit, or proceeding by or against any surviving partner or joint contractor, no adverse party or person adversely interested in the event thereof is a competent witness to testify, by virtue of section 13-90-101, to any admission or conversation by any deceased partner or joint contractor, unless one or more of the […]
In any civil action, suit, or proceeding, no person who would, if a party thereto, be incompetent to testify therein under the provisions of section 13-90-102 shall become competent by reason of any assignment or release of his claim made for the purpose of allowing such person to testify. Source: L. 1870: p. 65, § […]
The following persons shall not be witnesses: Persons who are of unsound mind at the time of their production for examination; Children under ten years of age who appear incapable of receiving just impressions of the facts respecting which they are examined or of relating them truly. This proscription does not apply to a child […]
There are particular relations in which it is the policy of the law to encourage confidence and to preserve it inviolate; therefore, a person must not be examined as a witness in the following cases: Except as otherwise provided in section 14-13-310 (4), C.R.S., a husband shall not be examined for or against his wife […]
The offer of a person of himself as a witness shall be deemed a consent to the examination. The offer of a wife, husband, attorney, clergyman, physician, surgeon, certified public accountant, or certified psychologist as a witness shall be deemed a consent to the examination, within the meaning of section 13-90-107 (1)(a) to (1)(d), (1)(f), […]
Nothing in this article 90 in any manner affects the laws now existing relating to the settlement of estates of deceased persons, infants, or persons who have been declared mentally incompetent or to the acknowledgment or proof of deeds and other conveyances relating to real estate, in order to entitle the same to be recorded, […]
No person shall be deemed incompetent to testify as a witness on account of his opinion in relation to the Supreme Being or a future state of rewards and punishments; nor shall any witness be questioned in regard to his religious opinions. Source: L. 1872: p. 95, § 1. G.L. omitted. G.S. § 3646. R.S. […]
The provisions of article 90.5 of this title shall also apply to a subpoena duces tecum. Source: L. 1887: p. 448, § 2. R.S. 08: § 7280. C.L. § 6566. CSA: C. 177, § 12. CRS 53: § 153-1-12. C.R.S. 1963: § 154-1-12. L. 2008: Entire section amended, p. 198, § 3, effective August 5.
Except as provided in section 13-90-210, when the judge of any court of record in this state has occasion to appoint an interpreter for his court, it is his duty to fix the compensation to be paid such interpreter for each day his services are required. Source: L. 1891: p. 246, § 1. R.S. 08: […]
Except as provided in section 13-90-210, it is the duty of the state court administrator to audit the accounts of such interpreter, except for the Denver county court, as allowed by the judges of the courts of record of a county and to cause warrants to be drawn upon the state controller in payment thereof, […]
The service of any subpoena in any of the courts of record in this state may be made by any person over the age of eighteen years not a party to the action or proceeding. Proof of service so made shall be by the affidavit of the person making the same showing the time, place, […]
A party to the record of any civil action or proceeding, or a person for whose immediate benefit such action or proceeding is prosecuted or defended, or the directors, officers, superintendent, or managing agents of any corporation which is a party to the record in such action or proceeding may be examined upon the trial […]
A witness who desires it, at his option, instead of taking an oath may make his solemn affirmation or declaration by assenting when addressed in the following form: Assent to this affirmation shall be made by answer: “I do.” A false affirmation or declaration is perjury in the first degree. “You do solemnly affirm that […]
In lieu of an oath or affirmation, any child who testifies in any proceeding pursuant to section 13-90-106 (1)(b)(II) shall be asked the following: “Do you promise to tell the truth?”. The court, in its discretion, may accept any indication of assent to this question by the child. Source: L. 90: Entire section added, p. […]
Whenever a witness refuses, on the basis of the privilege against self-incrimination, to testify or provide other information in a proceeding before or ancillary to a court or grand jury of the state of Colorado involving any laws of the state and the person presiding over the proceeding communicates to the witness an order as […]
As used in this section, unless the context otherwise requires: “Mass medium” means any publisher of a newspaper or periodical; wire service; radio or television station or network; news or feature syndicate; or cable television system. “News information” means any knowledge, observation, notes, documents, photographs, films, recordings, videotapes, audiotapes, and reports, and the contents and […]