§ 14-15-101. Short Title
This article is known as the “Colorado Civil Union Act”. Source: L. 2013: Entire article added, (SB 13-011), ch. 49, p. 147, § 1, effective May 1.
This article is known as the “Colorado Civil Union Act”. Source: L. 2013: Entire article added, (SB 13-011), ch. 49, p. 147, § 1, effective May 1.
The general assembly declares that the public policy of this state, as set forth in section 31 of article II of the state constitution, recognizes only the union of one man and one woman as a marriage. The general assembly declares that the purpose of this article is to provide eligible couples the opportunity to […]
As used in this article, unless the context otherwise requires: “Civil union” means a relationship established by two eligible persons pursuant to this article that entitles them to receive the benefits and protections and be subject to the responsibilities of spouses. “Civil union certificate” means a document that certifies that the persons named in the […]
To establish a civil union in Colorado, the two parties to the civil union shall satisfy all of the following criteria: Both parties are adults, regardless of the gender of either party; Neither party is a party to another civil union; Neither party is married to another person. Source: L. 2013: Entire article added, (SB […]
An individual shall not enter into a civil union with an ancestor or a descendant or with a brother or a sister, whether the relationship is by the half or the whole blood. An individual shall not enter into a civil union with an uncle or aunt or with a niece or nephew, whether the […]
A county clerk and recorder shall not issue a civil union license if either party to the intended civil union is: Under eighteen years of age; or Eighteen years of age or older and under guardianship, unless the party under guardianship has the written consent of his or her guardian. A violation of subsection (1) […]
A party to a civil union has the rights, benefits, protections, duties, obligations, responsibilities, and other incidents under law as are granted to or imposed upon spouses, whether those rights, benefits, protections, duties, obligations, responsibilities, and other incidents derive from statute, administrative or court rule, policy, common law, or any other source of law. A […]
Parties to a civil union may create agreements modifying the terms, conditions, or effects of a civil union in the manner specified in part 3 of article 2 of this title. Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection (1) of this section, the provisions of this article and the provisions of part 3 of article 2 of […]
The executive director of the department shall prescribe the form for an application for a civil union license, consisting of, at a minimum, the following information: Name, sex, address, social security number, and date and place of birth of each party to the proposed civil union. For such purpose, proof of date of birth may […]
When both parties to a proposed civil union complete a civil union application and at least one party appears before the county clerk and recorder and pays to the county clerk and recorder the civil union license fee and other fees described in subsection (2) of this section, and the county clerk and recorder determines […]
Notwithstanding section 14-15-110 to the contrary, a county clerk and recorder may permit the parties to a proposed civil union to satisfy the requirement to appear before the county clerk and recorder by an interactive audiovisual communication technology or online functionality, for the following limited purposes: To verify application information; To present satisfactory proof, as […]
The county clerk and recorder shall issue a civil union license only during the hours that the office of the county clerk and recorder is open as prescribed by law and at no other time and shall show the exact date and hour of the license’s issue. A civil union license is not valid for […]
A civil union may be certified by a judge of a court, by a district court magistrate, by a county court magistrate, by a retired judge of a court, by the parties to the civil union, or in accordance with any mode of recognition of a civil union by any religious denomination or Indian nation […]
Persons authorized by section 14-15-112 to certify civil unions shall require a civil union license from the parties before certifying the civil union. Source: L. 2013: Entire article added, (SB 13-011), ch. 49, p. 154, § 1, effective May 1.
A copy of the civil union certificate received from the county clerk and recorder or a record of the civil union received from the state registrar is presumptive evidence of the civil union in all courts. Source: L. 2013: Entire article added, (SB 13-011), ch. 49, p. 154, § 1, effective May 1.
Any person who enters into a civil union in Colorado consents to the jurisdiction of the courts of Colorado for the purpose of any action relating to a civil union even if one or both parties cease to reside in this state. The district court has jurisdiction over all proceedings relating to the dissolution of […]
Repealed. Under principles of comity, a civil union, domestic partnership, or substantially similar legal relationship between two persons that is legally created in another jurisdiction shall be deemed to be a civil union for purposes of Colorado law as set forth in this article. Source: L. 2013: Entire article added, (SB 13-011), ch. 49, p. […]
The general assembly finds that some partners in a civil union may legally have their federal taxable income determined on either separate federal tax returns or on a joint federal tax return. Since Colorado income tax filings are tied to the federal income tax form by requiring taxpayers to pay a percentage of their federal […]
The provisions of this article shall not be construed to create a marriage between the parties to a civil union or alter the public policy of this state, which recognizes only the union of one man and one woman as a marriage. Source: L. 2013: Entire article added, (SB 13-011), ch. 49, p. 155, § […]
When parties who have entered into a civil union pursuant to this article subsequently marry, the effect is a merger of the two relationship statuses. Once merged, the civil union terminates as of the date of the solemnization of the marriage or determination of a common law marriage and no separate dissolution of the civil […]