The general assembly hereby finds and declares that the primary consideration for any decision to grant parole shall be the public safety. The general assembly further finds and declares that, since parole is a privilege granted by the general assembly and not a right guaranteed under the state or federal constitutions, if the parolee violates […]
In order to promote the maximum efficiency, economy, and continuity of services in carrying out the purposes of this part 1, the division of administration created by the “State Parole Reorganization Act of 1951”, formerly transferred to the department of institutions and identified as the division of parole, and the director thereof are hereby transferred […]
The division of adult parole in the department shall administer the adult parole program. The division shall keep a complete record in respect to all domestic as well as interstate parolees. The director of the division of adult parole shall exercise the power of suspension of paroles in the interim of the meetings of the […]
The director of the division of adult parole or any community parole officer may arrest any parolee when: He or she has a warrant commanding that such parolee be arrested; or He or she has probable cause to believe that a warrant for the parolee’s arrest has been issued in this state or another state […]
Notwithstanding any provision of section 17-2-103, a community parole officer shall file a complaint seeking revocation of the parole of any parolee who: Is found in possession of a deadly weapon as defined in section 18-1-901, C.R.S.; Is arrested and charged with: A felony; A crime of violence as defined in section 16-1-104 (8.5), C.R.S.; […]
The office of director of the division of adult parole shall be maintained as a clearing house for all information on domestic as well as interstate parolees, and the director shall prescribe, prepare, and furnish such forms, records, and reports as the executive director may require from time to time. Such data and information so […]
The director of the division of adult parole shall contemporaneously send written notice to the chief executive officer of the municipality and the city council or board of trustees of the municipality in which the division intends to operate the branch parole office. If the site of the branch parole office that the division intends […]