The department shall have the authority to establish and directly operate an intensive supervision program for any offender not having more than one hundred eighty days remaining until such offender’s parole eligibility date and for any offender who successfully completes a regimented inmate discipline program pursuant to article 27.7 of this title. The department shall […]
The department shall have the power to establish and enforce standards and criteria for administration of intensive supervision programs. The standards and criteria shall require that offenders in the program receive at least the minimum services consistent with public safety, including highly restricted activities, weekly face-to-face contact between the offender and the program staff, daily […]
Where the community corrections administrator of an intensive supervision program has cause to believe that an offender placed in the program has violated any rule or condition of his or her placement or cannot be safely supervised in that program, the administrator shall certify to the supervising community parole officer the facts that are the […]
If an offender fails to remain within the extended limits on the offender’s confinement as established under the intensive supervision program; or, having been ordered by the parole board, the executive director, or the administrator of the program to return to the correctional institution, neglects or fails to do so; or knowingly removes or tampers […]
An offender who is granted parole or whose parole is modified may be required by the state board of parole, as a condition of such parole, to participate in an intensive supervision program as defined by this article; except that the offender shall not be subject to the authority of the local community corrections board […]