The general assembly hereby finds it necessary to provide for and encourage the implementation of programs within the state’s correctional facilities, the probation division of the judicial department, the parole division within the department of corrections, the division of youth services within the department of human services, and the department of public safety that enable […]
As used in this article 31, unless the context otherwise requires: “Approved volunteer organization” means an organization which has screened and trained volunteers for working with adult and juvenile offenders in correctional facilities and in parole and probation programs of the judicial department, the department of corrections, the department of human services, and the department […]
Each division shall facilitate, where practicable, the use of volunteers to assist and participate in the development and implementation of programs for the rehabilitation and transition of and growth of support groups and systems for adult and juvenile offenders in the following institutions and programs: Any correctional facility or county or city and county jail; […]
A volunteer who has completed minimum training from an approved volunteer organization may visit any offender or offenders to whom such volunteer has been assigned at any institution and in any program utilizing volunteers as set forth in section 17-31-103, subject to reasonable times and for purposes within such guidelines as may be prescribed by […]