All persons who are confined to a correctional facility as defined in section 17-1-102 shall have the right to worship according to the dictates of their consciences, and such persons shall be afforded a reasonable opportunity to freely exercise their religious beliefs without fear of retaliation or discrimination for the free exercise thereof. The practice […]
The general assembly hereby finds, determines, and declares that American Indian religions and religious beliefs predate the creation of the United States constitution; however, understanding of and respect for American Indian religious practices is not widespread among non-indigenous persons. The general assembly further finds that serious problems in the practice of religious freedom persist for […]
In administering the use of telephones by inmates in any state or private prison facility, the department shall not receive any commission from the penal communications service provider except as much as is necessary to pay for calling costs and the direct and indirect costs incurred by the department in managing the calling system. For […]
If the department determines that an inmate is eligible for relocation to a penal institution in another state pursuant to the “Interstate Corrections Compact”, part 16 of article 60 of title 24, then not later than twenty-four hours after such determination, the department shall notify the prosecuting attorney and any registered victim of one or […]