The general assembly hereby finds that: The unacceptably high dropout rate in public schools in Colorado is detrimental to the economic and cultural health of the state, and the state should take additional measures to more fully and productively engage students in public education and thereby reduce this rate; Often, students who choose to drop […]
As used in this article, unless the context otherwise requires: “Arts-based activity program” means a before- or after-school program that provides students with an opportunity to learn about and participate in an activity in visual arts or performing arts. “Department” means the department of education, created and operating pursuant to section 24-1-115, C.R.S. “District board” […]
There is hereby created a grant program to fund before- and after-school arts-based and vocational activity programs for students enrolled in grades six through twelve. The goal in funding arts-based and vocational activity programs is to reduce the number of students who choose to drop out of school prior to graduation. A facility school, a […]
The state board shall promulgate rules in accordance with the “State Administrative Procedure Act”, article 4 of title 24, C.R.S., for the implementation of the dropout prevention activity grant program. At a minimum, the rules shall specify the procedures for applying for a grant, the form of the grant application, the information to be provided […]
There is hereby created in the state treasury the dropout prevention activity grant fund. The fund shall consist of any gifts, grants, or donations received by the department for the fund pursuant to subsection (2) of this section. The moneys in the fund shall be subject to annual appropriation by the general assembly for the […]
Each facility school, qualified school, and qualified community organization that receives a dropout prevention activity program grant shall, in each year that it receives the grant, report to the department a description of the arts-based or vocational activity program and the projects accomplished through the program and an indication of the number of students who […]