Full and complete acceptance, ratification, and assent is made and given by the state of Colorado to all of the provisions, terms, grants, and conditions and purposes of the grants made and prescribed by the act of the congress of the United States entitled “An Act to apply a portion of the proceeds of the […]
The board of governors of the Colorado state university system has the control of the fund appropriated by the said act of congress and shall disburse the same for the use and benefit of the Colorado state university and in accordance with the terms and provisions of said act of congress. Source: L. 2007: Entire […]
Full and complete acceptance, ratification, and assent is made and given by the state of Colorado to all the provisions, terms, grants, and conditions and the purposes of the grants made and prescribed by the act of congress of the United States entitled “An Act donating public lands to the several states and territories which […]
The board of governors of the Colorado state university system has control of the funds derived from the sale of lands donated by the said act of congress of 1862, and shall invest the same in securities which yield a fair and reasonable rate of return, and shall disburse the income therefrom for the use […]
The board of governors of the Colorado state university system has the right to invest in the same manner as provided in section 23-31-504 any other permanent funds, the principal of which is not subject to use, that may be held by or granted to the state for the use of the Colorado state university […]
The board of governors of the Colorado state university system, on or before the fifteenth day of December immediately preceding the convening of the general assembly, shall make a report to the governor and the joint budget committee showing the condition of said fund, the investment thereof, the security taken therefor, and the amount of […]
The board of governors of the Colorado state university system is designated to receive, manage, and disburse all funds not permanent in character derivable and derived under the several acts of congress supplementary to the act of congress of 1862. Source: L. 2007: Entire article amended with relocations, p. 540, § 2, effective August 3. […]
It is the design of the general assembly in passing sections 23-31-503 to 23-31-508 to supplement and make more definite previous acts of acceptance of said several grants and the conditions thereof, and particularly to definitely provide for the management and investment of the permanent funds so derived, to the end that the engagements of […]
Full and complete acceptance, ratification, and assent is made and given by the state of Colorado to all the provisions, terms, grants, and conditions and purposes of the grants made and prescribed by the act of congress of the United States entitled “An Act to provide for the further development of agricultural extension work at […]
The board of governors of the Colorado state university system has the control of the funds appropriated by the said act of congress and shall disburse the same in accordance with the terms and provisions of the act of congress. Source: L. 2007: Entire article amended with relocations, p. 540, § 2, effective August 3. […]
Full and complete acceptance and assent is made and given by the state of Colorado to the provisions, terms, and conditions made and prescribed by the act of congress of the United States entitled “An Act to provide for cooperative agricultural extension work between the agricultural colleges in the several states receiving the benefits of […]
The board of governors of the Colorado state university system is designated as the officer of the state of Colorado duly authorized to receive and expend the funds available under said act of congress to the state of Colorado for the uses and purposes therein prescribed. Source: L. 2007: Entire article amended with relocations, p. […]
Full and complete acceptance, ratification, and assent is made and given by the state of Colorado to all the provisions, terms, grants, and conditions and purposes of the grants made and prescribed by the act of congress of the United States entitled “An Act to provide for research into basic laws and principles relating to […]
The board of governors of the Colorado state university system has the control of the funds appropriated by the said act of congress and shall disburse the same for the use and benefit of the Colorado state university for instruction, for research and investigations, and for cooperative agricultural extension work in accordance with the terms […]