Any auxiliary facility or group of auxiliary facilities with similar functions which is managed by the governing body of an institution of higher education or by the board of directors of the Auraria higher education center may be designated as an enterprise for the purposes of section 20 of article X of the state constitution […]
As used in this section, unless the context otherwise requires, “institution of higher education” or “institution” means the Colorado state university – Pueblo, Adams state university, Colorado Mesa university, Metropolitan state university of Denver, Fort Lewis college, Western Colorado university, the university of northern Colorado, Colorado school of mines, the university of Colorado, Colorado state […]
For the purpose of obtaining funds for constructing, otherwise acquiring, and equipping auxiliary facilities for the use of students and employees at any state educational institution or any branch thereof or facilities for use by any institution or group of institutions that is designated as an enterprise pursuant to section 23-5-101.7 and for the acquisition […]
The governing board of any one or more state educational institutions, including, but not limited to, the state colleges under the control and operation of their respective boards of trustees, that enters into such a contract for the advancement of money is authorized, in connection with or as a part of such contract, to pledge […]
The governing board of any state educational institution shall not create a mortgage upon any property belonging to the institution, nor shall the state be obligated, for the purpose of securing the repayment of any funds advanced pursuant to the provisions of sections 23-5-102 to 23-5-105 or the interest on such funds. Source: L. 53: […]
Any bonds, certificates, or warrants issued pursuant to the provisions of sections 23-5-102 to 23-5-105 by the governing board of any state educational institution shall be exempt from taxation for any state, county, school district, special district, municipal, or other purpose in the state of Colorado. Source: L. 53: p. 555, § 4. CRS 53: […]
Nothing in sections 23-5-101.5 to 23-5-105 shall be construed to prohibit the state board for community colleges and occupational education from issuing revenue bonds or other revenue obligations payable from the revenues from all or any part of the auxiliary facilities within the community college and occupational education system. Source: L. 94: Entire section added, […]
The governing board of any state institution of higher education has the authority to promulgate rules and regulations for the safety and welfare of students, employees, and property, to promulgate rules and regulations necessary for the governance of the respective institutions, and to promulgate rules and regulations deemed necessary to carry out the provisions of […]
For the purposes of this section, unless the context otherwise requires: “Academic institution” means any elementary or secondary school or any postsecondary education institution. “Conviction” means a conviction by a jury verdict or by entry of a verdict or acceptance of a guilty plea or a plea of nolo contendere by a court. “Conviction” does […]
The governing board of any state institution of higher education is authorized to promulgate rules and regulations providing for the operation and parking of vehicles upon the grounds, driveways, or roadways within the property under the control of the governing board. Such rules and regulations may include, but not be limited to, regulation and control […]
The governing board of any state institution of higher education is authorized to cede jurisdiction to the town, city, city and county, or county in which the property under the control of the governing board is located for the enforcement of ordinances, resolutions, and laws pertaining to the operation of motor vehicles, subject to the […]
The governing board of any state institution of higher education is authorized to promulgate rules and regulations establishing a system of identification of students, faculty, and staff which may include provisions for penalties other than criminal penalties and provisions for disciplinary action for failure to display one’s identification card upon request by an authorized official, […]
Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, any person holding a license to practice medicine in this state may accept employment from any public or private university, college, junior or community college, school district, or private nonprofit school to examine and treat the students of such a university, college, or school, and, if […]
All state institutions of higher education are authorized to receive gifts and bequests of money or property which may be tendered to any such institution by will or gift. The governing board of such institution is authorized, subject to the terms of any gift or bequest and to provisions of any applicable law, to hold […]
Notwithstanding the provisions of section 24-30-202.4, C.R.S., the governing board of any state educational institution may promulgate rules and regulations relating to procedures for collecting any loans or other outstanding obligations owed to such institution. The institution may employ private counsel or a collection agency to handle the collection of any such loan or obligation. […]
Each advance remitted to an individual by a state-supported institution of higher education pursuant to the terms of a national direct student loan program master agreement shall constitute a separate obligation for purposes of institutional collection procedures and jurisdictional limits under section 13-6-403, C.R.S. Source: L. 83: Entire section added, p. 793, § 2, effective […]
At times prescribed by the department of revenue, but not less frequently than annually, a state educational institution shall certify to the department of revenue information regarding persons who owe a loan repayment or other outstanding obligation to the institution, the amount of which has been determined to be owing as a result of a […]
The governing board of any state institution of higher education may offer postsecondary courses at locations outside the state of Colorado for credit applicable toward a degree program. For the purposes of this section, the commission, in consultation with the governing boards, shall determine by policy the definition of out-of-state courses. Each governing board shall […]
The governing board of any state-supported institution of higher education, including the Auraria higher education center established in article 70 of this title 23, may delegate all or part of its power over personnel matters, including the power to hire or to fire employees exempt from the personnel system, to the chief executive officer of […]
No male person who is at least seventeen years and nine months of age but younger than twenty-six years of age shall be eligible to enroll at any state-supported institution of higher education until such person has filed with such institution a statement of registration compliance. In such statement of registration compliance, the person shall […]