As used in this part 10, unless the context otherwise requires: “Applicant” means an individual applying to be a county employee, state employee, county contractor, or state contractor. “County contractor” means an individual acting under a contract, purchase order, or other similar agreement for the procurement of goods or services with a county or county […]
Each applicant, state employee, state contractor, or other individual who has or may have access through a state agency to federal tax information received from the federal government shall submit a complete set of his or her fingerprints to the state agency. The state agency shall submit the fingerprints to the Colorado bureau of investigation […]
A state agency that receives federal tax information from the federal government and shares that information with a county department administering public assistance, child support services, or other programs may authorize and require the county department by written agreement to collect the fingerprints of all applicants, county employees, county contractors, or other individuals who have […]
A state agency that receives federal tax information from the federal government and shares that information with another state agency may authorize and require that state agency by written agreement to conduct fingerprint-based criminal history record checks in accordance with section 24-50-1002 for all applicants, state employees, state contractors, or other individuals who have or […]