As used in this part 3, unless the context otherwise requires: “Client” means the person who employs or retains the professional services of one or more lobbyists to undertake lobbying on behalf of that person. For the purposes of this part 3, a professional lobbyist is not a client of another lobbyist for whom he […]
(Deleted by amendment, L . 96, p. 1081, 2, effective August 7, 1996.) Any person who makes expenditures for gifts or entertainment purposes for the benefit of covered officials in the aggregate amount of two hundred dollars in a state fiscal year shall file disclosure statements with the secretary of state in accordance with this […]
Before lobbying, a professional lobbyist shall file an electronic registration statement with the secretary of state that contains: His or her full legal name, business address, and business telephone number; The name, address, and telephone number of his or her employer, if applicable; The name, address, and telephone number of the client for whom he […]
Each principal department of state government, as defined in section 24-1-110, shall designate one person who shall be responsible for any lobbying of the type defined in section 24-6-301 (3.5)(a)(I) or (3.5)(a)(III) by a state official or employee on behalf of said principal department. All designated persons from the principal departments, as well as any […]
Each person required to file statements or reports under this part 3 shall maintain for a period of five years such records relating to such statements or reports as the secretary of state determines by regulation are necessary for the effective implementation of this part 3. Any statement required by this part 3 to be […]
The secretary of state has the power to request to examine or cause to be examined the books and records of any individual who has received or is seeking to renew a certificate of registration as a lobbyist as such books and records may relate to lobbying. Failure of a registrant or an applicant for […]
It is the duty and responsibility of the secretary of state: To grant a certificate of registration as a lobbyist to any individual who registers under the provisions of this section and who supplies the information required in this part 3; To revoke the certificate of registration of any individual who has been convicted of […]
If any person who engages in lobbying employs or causes his employer to employ any member of the general assembly, any member of a rule-making board or commission, any rule-making official of a state agency, any employee of the general assembly, or any full-time state employee who remains in the partial employ of the state […]
It is unlawful for any person to employ for pay or any consideration, or pay or agree to pay any consideration to, an individual to engage in lobbying who is not registered except upon condition that such individual register forthwith. Source: Initiated 72. L. 73: p. 1665, § 1. C.R.S. 1963: § 3-37-307. L. 77: […]
No person engaged in lobbying shall: Make any agreement under which any consideration is to be given, transferred, or paid to any person contingent upon the passage or defeat of any legislation; the making or defeat of any rule, standard, or rate by any state agency; or the approval or veto of any legislation by […]
[ Editor’s note: This version of subsection (1) is effective until March 1, 2022.] Any person who violates any of the provisions of this part 3, except for the commission of any of the practices listed in section 24-6-308 (1)(b) to (1)(e) and (1)(h) to (1)(n), willfully files any document provided for in this part […]