The general assembly hereby approves and ratifies and the governor shall enter into a compact on behalf of the state of Colorado with any of the United States or other jurisdictions legally joining therein in the form substantially as follows: INTERSTATE LIBRARY COMPACT ARTICLE I Policy and Purpose Because the desire for the services provided […]
No interstate library district agreement shall be entered into by any public library agency in this state pursuant to article III (a) of the compact without first obtaining the approval thereof by any county library or library district included in whole or in part in such proposed interstate library district, so as to eliminate duplication […]
No political subdivision of this state shall be party to a library agreement which provides for the construction or maintenance of a library pursuant to article III (c) 7. of the compact, or pledge its credit in support of such a library, or contribute to the capital financing thereof except after compliance with any laws […]
As used in the compact, “state library agency”, with reference to this state, means the commissioner of education. Source: L. 69: p. 557, § 1. C.R.S. 1963: § 74-16-4.
An interstate library district lying partly within this state may claim and be entitled to receive state aid in support of any of its functions to the same extent and in the same manner as such functions are eligible for support when carried on by entities wholly within the state. For the purposes of computing […]
The commissioner of education shall be the compact administrator pursuant to article X of the compact, and the deputy compact administrator shall be the deputy state librarian. Source: L. 69: p. 557, § 1. C.R.S. 1963: § 74-16-6.
In the event of withdrawal from the compact, the governor shall send and receive any notices required by article XI (b) of the compact. Source: L. 69: p. 557, § 1. C.R.S. 1963: § 74-16-7.