The following appropriations shall be appropriations of the first class and shall be first paid out of the revenue of the state against which they are chargeable: All appropriations made by the general assembly for the executive, legislative, and judicial departments of the state government; All appropriations made by the general assembly for the institutions […]
Except as otherwise provided by law, including paragraph (b) of this subsection (1), all moneys appropriated by the general assembly may be expended or encumbered, if authorized by the controller, only in the fiscal year for which appropriated. Except as otherwise provided by law, any moneys unexpended or not encumbered from the appropriation to each […]
The provisions of section 24-75-102 shall not apply to any appropriation where, as a part of the object intended by or as preliminary to the expenditure of the appropriation, condemnation proceedings or other litigation has been commenced or where the expenditure of the money appropriated has been delayed by proceedings or litigation by third persons […]
All endowments, gifts, and bequests made to any state institution of higher education, and the income therefrom, shall belong to and be used only by such institution and shall be subject to state audit. In appropriating state funds to such institution of higher education, neither principal nor interest of such gifts shall be used to […]
Transfers of appropriations which are authorized in the 1990-91 and subsequent general appropriation acts and are required to implement appropriations conditioned on the distribution of the appropriation among, or the transfer of the appropriation between, departments, agencies, or programs, including centralized appropriations, are expressly authorized. This section is repealed, effective September 1, 2025. Source: L. […]
Notwithstanding the effect of the “M” provision in the 1990-91 and subsequent general appropriation acts, the governor may transfer unlimited amounts of general fund appropriations and reappropriated funds to and from the departments of health care policy and financing and human services when required by changes from the appropriated levels in the amount of medicaid […]
Subject to the provisions of subsection (2) of this section, upon approval of the governor: The executive director of the department of health care policy and financing may transfer general fund or reappropriated funds spending authority from one or more items of appropriation made to that department in the annual general appropriations act to one […]
All transfers pursuant to sections 24-75-105 and 24-75-106 which involve cash funds shall be consistent with statutes governing the use of cash funds. This section is repealed, effective September 1, 2025. Source: L. 86: Entire section added, p. 960, § 1, effective May 27. L. 89: Entire section RC&RE, p. 1094, § 3, effective May […]
Upon approval by the governor, the head of a principal department of state government may, on or after May 1 of any fiscal year and before the forty-fifth day after the close of such fiscal year, transfer moneys from one item of appropriation made to the principal department in the general appropriation act to another […]
For the purpose of closing the state’s books, and subject to the provisions of this section, the controller may, on or after May 1 of any fiscal year and before the forty-fifth day after the close thereof, upon approval of the governor, allow any department, institution, or agency of the state, including any institution of […]
The total amount of moneys transferred between items of appropriation made to the judicial department pursuant to section 24-75-108 and overexpenditures by the judicial department allowed pursuant to section 24-75-109 shall not exceed one million dollars in any fiscal year. This section is repealed, effective September 1, 2025. Source: L. 89: Entire section added, p. […]
For fiscal years commencing on or after July 1, 1997, in addition to any overexpenditure allowed pursuant to section 24-75-109, the controller may allow any department, institution, or agency of the state, including any institution of higher education, to make an expenditure in excess of the amount authorized by an item of appropriation for such […]
For purposes of this section, “nonmonetary adjustment” means a change that does not affect the amount of the appropriation, including a name change, an extension of time for completion, a scope change, a transfer between departments, or other such similar changes. For fiscal years commencing on or after July 1, 2015, the controller may allow […]
As used in the annual general appropriation act, the following definitions and general provisions shall apply for the headnote terms preceding and specifying the purpose of certain line items of appropriation: “Capital outlay” means: Equipment, furniture, motor vehicles, software, and other items that have a useful life of one year or more; Alterations and replacements, […]
The general assembly hereby finds, determines, and declares that: The mechanism through which the general assembly commonly authorizes state agencies to spend moneys, the appropriation clause, has remained essentially unchanged for over a century; The typical appropriation clause employed prior to the 2015 regular legislative session features certain stock phrases that make ascertaining essential information […]
No moneys derived from the increase in state revenues resulting from the passage of House Bill 10-1190, enacted in 2010, shall be appropriated for the purpose of funding additional full-time equivalent state employees. No moneys derived from the increase in state revenues resulting from the passage of House Bill 10-1191, enacted in 2010, shall be […]