The county director, with the approval of the county board, shall appoint such staff as may be necessary as determined by the state department rules to administer medical assistance within the county. The staff shall be appointed and shall serve in accordance with a merit system for the selection, retention, and promotion of county department […]
For carrying out the duties and obligations of the state department and county departments under the provisions of this title and for matching such federal funds or meeting maintenance of effort requirements as may be available for public assistance and welfare activities in the state, including medical assistance administration and related activities, the general assembly, […]
For purposes of this article, under rules of the state department, administrative costs shall include: Salaries of the county director and employees of the county department staff engaged in the performance of medical assistance activities; the county’s payments on behalf of such employees for old age and survivors’ insurance or pursuant to a county officers’ […]
Beginning in calendar fiscal year 1994 and for each calendar fiscal year thereafter to and including calendar fiscal year 1997, the board of county commissioners in each county of this state shall annually appropriate funds for the county share of the administrative costs of medical assistance in the county in an amount equal to the […]
The general assembly hereby finds and declares that: The best medical care for infants, children, and adolescents is provided through a medical home, as defined in section 25.5-1-103, and that is consistent with the joint principles of a patient-centered medical home. Those principles shall include a whole-person orientation, care that is coordinated and integrated across […]
The state department shall participate in the development and implementation of the coordinated system of payment for early intervention services authorized pursuant to part 7 of article 10.5 of title 27, C.R.S., and Part C of the federal “Individuals with Disabilities Education Act”, 20 U.S.C. sec. 1400 et seq., as amended. The state department shall […]
The state department shall work with one or more nonprofit organizations to develop a link of approved vendors who are willing to sell durable medical equipment and medical supplies at discounted prices to persons who have applied for, but are not yet receiving, benefits under the “Colorado Medical Assistance Act”. The state department shall provide […]
The state department shall provide information to recipients of benefits under this title concerning their right to appeal a denial of benefits by a third party and shall post information on the state department’s website concerning recipients’ abilities to appeal a third party’s denial of benefits, including but not limited to providing a link to […]
Notwithstanding any provision of law to the contrary, when the state department has regulatory authority over a program and when the provider has already signed a state department-approved provider application to provide a service or to bill the state department or its authorized contractor for a service, the state department-approved provider application shall serve to […]
The general assembly finds that: Every Coloradan deserves access to high-quality, affordable health care to help support his or her well-being and economic security; To achieve these goals, Colorado has successfully implemented provisions of the federal “Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act” that have helped expand access and increase affordability to thousands of Coloradans, including […]
On or before March 1, 2020, the state department shall develop measurable outcomes to monitor efforts to prevent medicaid recipients from becoming involved in the criminal or juvenile justice system. On or before July 1, 2021, the state department shall work collaboratively with managed care entities to create incentives for behavioral health providers to accept […]
There is hereby created in the state department the office of the insurance ombudsman to act as the advocate for consumer interests in matters related to access to and the affordability of the standardized health benefit plan created pursuant to section 10-16-1304. The ombudsman shall: Interact with consumers regarding their access to, the affordability of, […]