The general assembly hereby finds that: Many dental professionals, particularly dentists, graduate with large debt levels that were used to finance their professional education; Dentistry is provided predominantly through individual practices, which minimizes the opportunity for dental professionals to provide unreimbursed services while maintaining the costs of a practice and repaying their educational loans; Many […]
As used in this article 23, unless the context otherwise requires: “Board” means the state board of health. “Eligible dental professional” means a person who is: A dentist licensed in Colorado pursuant to article 220 of title 12; or A dental hygienist licensed in Colorado pursuant to article 220 of title 12. “Loan repayment assistance” […]
Subject to available appropriations, the department of public health and environment shall develop and maintain a state dental loan repayment program in which the state agrees to pay all or part of the principal, interest, and related expenses of the educational loans of each eligible dental professional. The department of public health and environment shall […]
The state dental loan repayment program shall be funded by moneys appropriated by the general assembly specifically for said program, moneys transferred thereto pursuant to subsection (2) of this section, and any matching funds or contributions received from any public or private sources. Such funds shall be transmitted to the treasurer, who shall credit the […]
The board is authorized to promulgate rules necessary to implement the loan repayment program authorized in this article, including determining the amount of financial assistance available; establishing the criteria in section 25-23-103 (2) for loan repayment assistance and the criteria for determining what constitutes a significant level of service to underserved populations for purposes of […]