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Home » US Law » 2022 Colorado Code » Title 26 - Human Services Code » Article 13 - Child Support Enforcement Act

§ 26-13-101. Short Title

This article shall be known and may be cited as the “Colorado Child Support Enforcement Act”. Source: L. 79: Entire article added, p. 640, § 5, effective June 7.

§ 26-13-102. Legislative Declaration

The purposes of this article are to provide for enforcing the support obligations owed by obligors, to locate obligors, to establish parentage, to establish and modify child support obligations, and to obtain support in cooperation with the federal government pursuant to Title IV-D of the federal “Social Security Act”, as amended, and other applicable federal […]

§ 26-13-102.5. Definitions

As used in this article 13, unless the context otherwise requires: “Delegate child support enforcement unit” means the unit of a county department of human or social services or its contractual agent that is responsible for carrying out the provisions of this article 13. The term contractual agent includes a private child support collection agency, […]

§ 26-13-102.7. Privacy – Legislative Declaration

The general assembly hereby finds that while it is beneficial to the children of the state of Colorado to have procedures by which to enhance the establishment and enforcement of child support, some of which may include the collection and transmission of certain informational data by electronic and other means, the general assembly also determines […]

§ 26-13-102.8. Nondisclosure of Information in Exceptional Circumstances

If a party alleges in an affidavit or a pleading under oath that the health, safety, or liberty of a party or child would be jeopardized by disclosure of specific identifying information, that information shall be sealed and may not be disclosed to the other party or the public. A party seeking disclosure of all […]

§ 26-13-103. Support Enforcement Program

The state department, pursuant to rules and regulations, shall establish a program to provide necessary support enforcement services. The state department shall establish a single and separate agency within the department to administer or supervise the administration of such program in accordance with Title IV-D of the federal “Social Security Act”, as amended, and this […]

§ 26-13-104. State Plan

The state department shall prepare and submit to the United States secretary of health and human services a state plan and any amendments to such state plan that become necessary which meet the requirements of Title IV-D of the federal “Social Security Act”, as amended. Source: L. 79: Entire article added, p. 641, § 5, […]

§ 26-13-105. Child Support Enforcement Services – Review

Subject to the provisions of section 26-13-104, the child support enforcement program shall include the following, as required by federal law: The establishment and modification of an obligor parent’s legal obligation to support his or her dependent children, including determination of parentage when necessary; The location of an obligor parent or putative parent; The monitoring […]

§ 26-13-106. Eligibility for Services – Child Support Dra Fee Cash Fund

Support enforcement services shall be provided to those recipients of medicaid-only and Title IV-E foster care as required by federal law and to participants in the Colorado works program implemented pursuant to part 7 of article 2 of this title who, as a condition of eligibility pursuant to federal law, must assign their rights to […]

§ 26-13-107. State Parent Locator Service – Definitions

There shall be established in the state department a state parent locator service to assist delegate child support enforcement units or their authorized agents, other states, and agencies of the federal government in the location of parents who have or appear to have abandoned children who qualify under section 26-13-106. To effectuate the purposes of […]

§ 26-13-108. Recovery of Public Assistance Paid for Child Support and Maintenance – Interest Collected on Support Obligations – Designation in Annual General Appropriations Act

Whenever the state department, a county department or its authorized agent, or a district attorney recovers any amounts of support for public assistance recipients, such amounts shall be deposited in the county social services fund, and, if such support is used to reimburse public assistance paid in accordance with federal law, the federal government is […]

§ 26-13-109. Enforcement of Support Uifsa

The state department shall be the state information agency for the “Uniform Interstate Family Support Act”, article 5 of title 14, C.R.S., in this state and reciprocal laws of other states; and, in this capacity, the state department shall: Assist county departments and other agencies to carry out their responsibilities, powers, and duties to establish […]

§ 26-13-110. Federal Requirements

Nothing in this article shall be construed to prevent the state department from complying with federal requirements for the child support enforcement program expressly provided by Title IV-D of the “Social Security Act”, as amended, in order for the state to qualify for federal funds under such act and to maintain said program within the […]

§ 26-13-111. State Income Tax Refund Offset

At any time prescribed by the department of revenue, but not less frequently than annually, the state department shall certify to the department of revenue information regarding persons who owe a child support debt to the state pursuant to section 14-14-104, C.R.S., or who owe child support arrearages as requested as a part of an […]

§ 26-13-111.5. State Vendor Payment Offset

At any time prescribed by the controller, but not less frequently than annually, the state department shall certify to the controller information regarding persons who owe child support debt pursuant to section 14-14-104, C.R.S., or who owe child support arrearages as requested as part of an enforcement action under article 5 of title 14, C.R.S., […]

§ 26-13-112.5. Child Support Incentive Payments

In federal fiscal year 2000 and each federal fiscal year thereafter, one hundred percent of the federal incentives received by the state shall be passed through to the county departments. The state board shall promulgate rules specifying performance measures pursuant to which incentives shall be distributed to the county departments. A county to which a […]

§ 26-13-113. Placement in Foster Care Automatic Assignment of Right

When a child is placed in foster care pursuant to article 5 of this title or Title IV-E of the federal “Social Security Act”, as amended, all rights to current and accrued child support for the benefit of the child are assigned by operation of law to the state department. When placement has terminated, the […]

§ 26-13-114. Family Support Registry – Collection and Disbursement of Child Support and Maintenance – Rules – Legislative Declaration

The general assembly hereby finds, determines, and declares that it has been demonstrated that the establishment and operation of one automated central payment registry for the processing of child support, child support when combined with maintenance, and maintenance payments is beneficial to the state in the collection and enforcement of family support obligations. It is […]

§ 26-13-115.5. Family Support Registry Fund Created

There is hereby created in the state treasury a fund to be known as the family support registry fund, which shall consist of any money credited thereto from the investment earnings on money deposited with the state treasurer, money accruing from collections for child support received by the family support registry, any undeliverable child support […]

§ 26-13-116. Debt Information Made Available to Consumer Reporting Agencies – Notice to Noncustodial Parent – Fees – Rules – Definitions

For purposes of this section, “consumer reporting agency” means any person which, for monetary fees, dues, or on a cooperative nonprofit basis, regularly engages in whole or in part in the practice of assembling or evaluating consumer credit information or other information on consumers for the purpose of furnishing consumer reports to third parties. (Deleted […]