As used in this article, unless the context otherwise requires: “Department” means the department of human services. “Eligible veteran” means a person in need of mental health services who: Served in the active military, naval, air service, Coast Guard, or National Guard or the reserve forces of the United States and who was discharged or […]
There is created in the department the training veterans to train their own service dogs pilot program. The purpose of the program is to identify and train a group of up to ten eligible veterans to pair with dogs, as identified by qualified canine trainers in conjunction with the veterans, to foster, train, and ultimately […]
The executive director shall establish and use a competitive request for proposals process to select two in-state nonprofit agencies that represent different counties with which to contract for the implementation and operation of the program. The executive director shall finalize the request for proposals process no later than August 1, 2016. Proposals must be received […]
The training veterans to train their own service dogs pilot program fund is created in the state treasury. The principal of the fund consists of moneys appropriated or transferred to the fund by the general assembly and any money received pursuant to subsection (2) of this section. The purpose of the fund is to provide […]
This article is repealed, effective September 1, 2026. Source: L. 2016: Entire article added, (HB 16-1112), ch. 328, p. 1333, § 1, effective June 10.