The federal “Family First Prevention Services Act” was enacted on February 9, 2018. In order to comply with the provisions of the “Family First Prevention Services Act”, the general assembly finds it is necessary to update current statutes to enable Colorado to provide enhanced support to children, youth, and their families in order to prevent […]
As used in this article 5.4, unless the context otherwise requires: “Foster care prevention services” means mental health and substance abuse prevention and treatment services, in-home parent skill-based programs, kinship navigator programs, and other programs eligible for reimbursement under the federal “Family First Prevention Services Act” that are trauma-informed, promising, supported or well-supported, and provided […]
The state department is authorized to include in the state’s five-year Title IV-E prevention plan, as defined in 42 U.S.C. sec. 671, the establishment and implementation of a foster care prevention services program for families with children and youth who are candidates for foster care but who can safely remain at home or in a […]
Children and youth and their parents, legal custodians, legal guardians, or kin caregivers are eligible for foster care prevention services when their needs for services are directly related to the safety, permanent placement, or well-being of the child or youth, or to prevent the child or youth from entering the foster care system. Foster care […]
The state department shall implement the provisions of this article 5.4 and the provisions of title 19 and this title 26 executing the utilization of foster care prevention services and qualified residential treatment programs when the federal government approves Colorado’s five-year Title IV-E prevention plan, at which time the department may submit a budget request […]
A county department of human or social services may provide both child welfare and prevention services, including but not limited to foster care prevention services, as defined in section 26-5.4-102, to a family and its children. Nothing in this section affects any existing rights of a child or youth, including those eligible for foster care […]