§ 26-5.7-101. Short Title
This article shall be known and may be cited as the “Homeless Youth Act”. Source: L. 97: Entire article added, p. 977, § 2, effective May 22.
This article shall be known and may be cited as the “Homeless Youth Act”. Source: L. 97: Entire article added, p. 977, § 2, effective May 22.
As used in this article 5.7, unless the context otherwise requires: “County department” means the county, city and county, or district department of human or social services. “Homeless youth” means a child or youth who is at least eleven years of age but is less than twenty-one years of age and who: Lacks a fixed, […]
Out of moneys appropriated to the state department for family reconciliation services, the state department may elect to contract directly with private nonprofit organizations or entities for the provision of family intervention reconciliation services or pass the moneys to a county department electing to provide such services. In such circumstances, the county department may provide […]
A law enforcement officer may take a youth into temporary custody without an order of the court under the following circumstances: If a law enforcement agency has been contacted by the youth’s parent and informed that the youth is absent from parental custody without consent; or If an officer has reasonable cause to believe, considering […]
Licensed child care facilities, licensed homeless youth shelters, and licensed host family homes may provide shelter and crisis intervention, family reconciliation, and alternative residential services to homeless youth. Homeless youth who are fifteen years of age or older may consent, in writing, to receive such shelter and services without parental consent when in accordance with […]
Any person who provides shelter to a youth without the consent of the youth’s parent or legal guardian and after said person knows that the youth is away from the home of the youth’s parent or legal guardian without permission shall notify the youth’s parent, legal guardian, or a law enforcement officer that the youth […]
Any available family reconciliation services shall be provided to a youth and the youth’s family when the youth voluntarily resides elsewhere than with the youth’s parent. A youth and the youth’s parent may enter into an agreement for a voluntary alternative residence out of the home. Any agreement for voluntary alternative residence shall be in […]
If the youth and the youth’s parent cannot agree on an initial voluntary alternative residence within twenty-one days after admission to the alternative out-of-home residence, a referral to the county department may be made. The licensed child care facility, licensed homeless youth shelter, or licensed host family home to which the youth has been admitted […]