As used in this part 4, unless the context otherwise requires: “Department” means the state department of human services. “Mental health consultant” means an early childhood mental health consultant who is funded by appropriations allocated or awarded to the department for the program and who meets the qualifications outlined in the program designed and developed […]
On or before July 1, 2022, the department shall design, implement, and operate the statewide voluntary program of early childhood mental health consultation to expand and enhance current practices across the state. The department, through the program, shall support mental health in a variety of settings, including but not limited to early child care and […]
On or before July 1, 2022, the department shall design and develop, in consultation with the stakeholders listed in section 26-6.5-402 (1)(b), a model of consultation for the program that includes qualifications for mental health consultants, job expectations, expected outcomes, and guidance on ratios between mental health consultants and the settings they support, referred to […]
On or before July 1, 2022, the department shall develop a statewide professional development plan to support mental health consultants in the program in meeting the expectations set forth in the model of consultation described in section 26-6.5-403, referred to in this section as “the plan”. In developing the plan, the department shall work collaboratively, […]
The department shall ensure that each mental health consultant funded through the program meets the qualifications and competencies outlined in the program as designed and developed pursuant to this part 4. Source: L. 2020: Entire part added, (HB 20-1053), ch. 249, p. 1221, § 4, effective July 8.
On or before July 1, 2023, the department shall develop a statewide data collection and information system to analyze implementation data and selected outcomes to identify areas for improvement, promote accountability, and provide insights to continually improve child and program outcomes. The data collection and information system, and any related processes, must place the least […]
The department and the department of health care policy and financing shall explore funding options for the program and improving access to mental health consultants, including access to various funding sources, as well as the children’s basic health plan, article 8 of title 25.5, and the state medical assistance program, articles 4 to 6 of […]